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The paper proves the necessity to draw closer attention to the use of learning information technologies. The authors clear up the model of blended learning that supposes the use of the distributed information educational resources with the application of the elements of distance technologies.

The authors formulated as well the educational conditions for the efficiency improvement of the educational process of the students of technical bachelor’s degree programs within the blended learning based on the combination of the intramural studies and the application of the distance learning technologies: the necessity of continuous renewal of the discipline content and the relevant assessment means; the individualization of the students’ activity in the sphere of selection of learning trajectory, the method and rate of work; the intensification of learning interaction both between a student and a teacher and between the students during the intramural studies and within the e-learning environment, wherein the group communication is implemented through a forum, wiki-page or chat, and the individual communication – through the file exchange. The authors offer a certain sequence of the blended learning phases.

It is determined that blended learning intensifies the learning interaction both between a student and a teacher and between the students; cognitive activity becomes more interesting, emotionally and personally significant what eventually facilitates the formation of a viable specialist.

The authors conclude that the educational process becomes more adapted to the students’ individual characteristics; the time is used in the class more efficiently; the students’ motivation improves; the students have more opportunities to manifest their self-consistency and creativity.

The work experience generalized in the paper is aimed at the development of practical recommendations for further improvement of the technique of training of the students of technical bachelor’s degree programs. 

About the authors

Lidiya Nikolaevna Vasilieva

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), assistant professor of Chair of Automation and Management in Engineering Systems

Russian Federation

Vladimir Ivanovich Gorbunov

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary


PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Automation and Management in Engineering Systems

Russian Federation

Nataliya Nikolaevna Timofeeva

I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary


PhD (Physics and Mathematics), assistant professor of S.F. Saikin Chair of Advanced Mathematics and Analytical Mechanics

Russian Federation


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