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The relevance of the research of coping strategies of a person in the foreign culture environment is determined by the necessity of a deeper study of coping mechanisms in the stressful situation of the acculturation process. The purpose of the study is to identify special aspects of coping strategies of the Korean men being in the foreign culture environment using the example of Korean men migrated to Russia for the first time and living on the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of professional development. 120 Korean men participated in the study with the use of six survey methods. The results of comparative analysis demonstrate the high level of self-control (regulation of own feelings and actions), planning (the existence of detailed plans with strong hierarchy), self-assessment (high evaluation of own resource possibilities), and the pronounced need in social support of “significant others” (high necessity for the opinion of significant people of the person’s environment) in a stressful situation. In the result of factor analysis, factor structures of groups of subjects are revealed indicating the relation of integration and assimilation with complex coping with the high level of adaptability, self-acceptance, and acceptance of other people, emotional comfort, and internal control. The study discovered the avoidance, maladaptive coping with self-rejection, socially desirable submissiveness, the emotional discomfort, and the external control under separatism. The study determined the relation of integration and assimilation with the social desirability, emotional discomfort, and maladaptation; of separatism – with the truth, emotional comfort, the desire for interaction, and adaptability. The acculturation strategies involve programming, modeling with flexible self-regulation. The integration involves the evaluation of the results without planning and distancing, and separatism means planning and independence, avoiding the problems. The identified special aspects can be taken into account when creating a psychological support program to improve the level of adaptation of Korean men within the Russian reality.

About the authors

Tatiana Sergeevna Pilishvili

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Author for correspondence.
Email: pilishvili_ts@pfur.ru

PhD (Psychology), assistant professor of Chair of Psychology and Pedagogy

Russian Federation

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Magomedova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Email: roza.vetrovaa@gmail.com

graduate student of Chair of Psychology and Pedagogy

Russian Federation


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