- Authors: Pochtareva E.Y.1
- Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg
- Issue: No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 90-95
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 286
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The paper proves the methodological unity of such constructs as “self-determination of a teacher” and “self-determination of educational activity” in terms of agent-pragmatist and existentially humanistic approaches to the interpretation of the agent-to-agent axiological essence of educational activity in specific conditions of modern education trends.
The author studies the priorities of modern humanistic education in the broad context of student-focused (motivational-notional and value generating) education in an ever-changing socio-cultural situation.
The author discusses the phenomenological content of self-determination of the subject of educational activity as an implicitly given characteristic of the teacher’s professional activity, which initiates positive creative development and self-development based on humanistic principles of co-operation, dialogue, self-expression, facilitation, and freedom of choice of an individual.
The author emphasizes the importance of self-determination analysis as an integral phenomenon of educational activity, based on the values and meanings of the agent-to-agent model of humanistic education, where self-determination is embodied in the intentional, reflective, regulatory, behavioral, attribute characteristics, the essence of which is interrelation and interdependence of the internal and external processes that express the peculiarity of personal, social, educational, and vocational manifestation of a teacher.
The analysis of self-determination phenomenon is carried out according to primary objectives of innovative development of education and teaching activities. Particular attention is paid to the psychological and pedagogical analysis of the structure of self-determination of the agent’s educational activity defining a composition of teacher’s basic needs based on modern concepts of self-determination: vocational and educational autonomy, teacher’s professional competence and agent-to-agent relations in interaction with the participants of the educational process.
It is emphasized that self-determination of a teacher is such a professional activity that transforms the image of a professional teacher determining the dynamic component of the psychological meaning and social context of educational activity aimed at the transformation of both inner world of a teacher and the surrounding socio-cultural reality.
The paper presents a variety of scientific positions towards the issue of self-determination and the problem of self-determination influence on the personal and professional development of a teacher. The study describes the current state of self-determination problem. The author comes to the conclusion that the formation of the agent characteristics of a teacher and the development of self-determination of educational activity is a key focus of the theoretical and practical aspects of education.
About the authors
Elena Yurievna Pochtareva
Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student of Chair of Educational Psychology
Russian FederationReferences
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