- Authors: Morozova I.S.1
- Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo
- Issue: No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 102-108
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 233
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The issue chosen for the study is directly related to the processes of transformation of parent-child relations that are taking place at the current stage of the society development, changes in the roles and functions of spouses. The paper analyzes the features of the parental attitude of spouses with different family life experience. It describes organization and methods of research, presents the results of the study of the parental attitude of fathers and mothers having conjugal relations of various duration.
The paper considers peculiarities of the parental attitude of men and women that determine their attitude to a child and to the educational practice. The parental attitude of men reveals a high level of rigor and authority in relation to a child. The peculiarity of the parental attitude of women is expressed in the commitment to the partnership approach to a child, pursuance to boost the development of the child, a low level of dependence on the family.
The author defines features of the parental attitude of spouses with less than five years of family life experience. Men belonging to this group in most cases are characterized by weak custody while women from this group prefer democratic relationships with the child. The features of parental attitude of spouses having from five to fifteen years of family life experience are the following: women belonging to this group prefer such parental instructions as weak custody and lack of democracy in the relationship with their children, while men from this group demonstrate democracy as dominating parental attitude in communication with their children. The author defines features of the parental attitude of spouses having at least sixteen years of family life experience. The features of men belonging to this group are weak custody and rejection of authoritarianism. Women with the same family life experience also refuse authoritarianism and prefer the democratic style of child-rearing practices.
About the authors
Irina Stanislavovna Morozova
Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head of Chair of General psychology and psychology of development
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