Didactics of technical translation based on the industry thesaurus
- Authors: Gorbunov Y.I.1, Gorbunova O.Y.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 4 (2023)
- Pages: 27-34
- Section: Pedagogical Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukipedagogika.ru/jour/article/view/1002
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2221-5662-2023-4-27-34
- ID: 1002
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The paper is about the didactics of technical translation based on the thesaurus-type dictionaries on particular industries. The paper outlines the problems that arise in the process of translating scientific and technical terminology from French into Russian. The main focus is on modern methods of translation of foreign technical terminology on the basis of the thesaurus. In this regard, the authors present a technology for translating French automotive terms into Russian using a French-Russian automotive thesaurus. The methodological algorithm for technical translation includes didactic operations that provide the following: searching for a French technical term in the alphabetical index to the thesaurus in order to determine the addresses of semantic fields; sequential access to the semantic fields of the French technical term at the specified addresses in the thesaurus; the final choice of the Russian equivalent of a foreign technical term as a result of the analysis of its semantic fields taking into account the current context. Thesaurus technology used in the process of teaching special technical translation in the professional training of linguist-translators best contributes not only to the development of knowledge, skills, and translation experience that make up the professional competence of a linguist-translator, but to their effective application in the future professional activities. The main objective of this work is to increase the efficiency of training future translators through the development of their professional competence based on the thesaurus approach as a linguo-didactic tool. The thesaurus approach to the translation of technical texts is considered as a linguo-didactic tool for the formation of a translator’s professional competence.
About the authors
Yuri Ivanovich Gorbunov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
Email: yourigorbounov@tltsu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5878-6702
Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, professor of Chair “Theory and Practice of Translation”
Russian FederationOlga Yurievna Gorbunova
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Email: olga.gorbounova@hotmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8707-6811
senior lecturer of Chair “Theory and Practice of Translation”
Russian FederationReferences
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