- Authors: Aksarin I.V.1
- Yugra Prirodnadzor, Khanty-Mansiysk
- Issue: No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 9-14
- Section: Pedagogical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 164
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The theory and practice of basketball consider marginally the issues related to the technical training of young basketball players taking into account the profiles of functional asymmetry. Often, in practice, coaches train for the result using only the dominant hand, while the non-dominant hand performs only auxiliary actions. However, it is worth noting that in game sports, such as handball, volleyball, and basketball, the ability to perform technical actions equally well in both directions, allows achieving high results. But in order to use equally the right and left hands, and to be an all-around sportsman, regular work is necessary.
The goal of the research is the assessment of technical competence of young 10–12-year-old basketball players taking into account functional asymmetry.
The author checked experimentally the model of technical training of young basketball players taking into account functional asymmetry. Control tests to determine the technical competence of young basketball players were carried out. At the end of the pedagogical experiment, the indices of control tests performed by the dominant hand improved equally both in the control and in the experimental groups, and the level of formation of technical competence reached a high assessment. The indicators of control tests performed by the non-dominant hand in groups differ. In the control group, in all control tests, the indicators of young basketball players while performing exercises by the non-dominant hand, slightly improved, and the level increased from low to medium. In the experimental group, when performing the control tests by the non-dominant hand, the indicators increased from low to high level.
The reliable improvement of the indicators of technical competence of young basketball players proves the effectiveness of the implementation of technical training model taking into account the functional asymmetry, which includes the special-purpose exercise series aimed at the smoothing the existing functional asymmetry.
About the authors
Ivan Vladimirovich Aksarin
Yugra Prirodnadzor, Khanty-Mansiysk
Author for correspondence.
chief officer of Analytics Department of the Office of Information Management and Analysis
Russian FederationReferences
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