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The paper considers the peculiarities of self-attitude of today’s adolescents taking into account gender differences in the context of self-respect, self-regard, and self-effacement. The authors carried out the theoretical review of Russian and foreign scientific resources on the issue. The paper presents the results of the psychodiagnostic empirical study conducted in the selected group of 126 respondents. On the basis of statistical analysis results (t-criterion), gender differences of the adolescents’ self-attitude are defined. The statistically significant differences in the structure of 15-year-old boys’ and girls’ self-attitude are observed according to the “Self-guidance” and “Self-attachment” scales proving that 15-year-old boys tend to evaluate themselves resistant to external circumstances and pressure of environment more often than girls. Boys consider themselves as a source of their own activity and development more often; tend to rely on their own motives rather than to use the opinion of a group. At the same time, the boys demonstrate higher rigidity and unwillingness to change, when the girls are more open to personal changes and self-development. The authors discuss the main results of the study: positive developmental dynamics can be observed among adolescents in their striving for self-understanding and self-development; the evaluation of own personality by the boys and girls becomes more differentiated and adequate. 15-year-old adolescents demonstrate higher self-acceptance and self-worth due to their interest in the process of creation. Adolescents believe that personality, character, and activities can be respected, approved, sympathized and understood by other people.

About the authors

Elena Aleksandrovna Denisova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Head of Chair “Theoretical and applied psychology”

Russian Federation

Natalya Aleksandrovna Vorobyeva

Togliatti State University, Togliatti


graduate student of Chair “Theoretical and applied psychology”

Russian Federation


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