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One of the key issues of modern education is the effectiveness in teaching foreign languages. Nowadays school teachers are using various technologies to improve the quality of education. Methodologists focus on the necessity of high-quality teaching a foreign language starting from the primary school.

This paper considers the features of using CLIL-technology on the primary school lessons. CLIL-technology (teaching by integration of foreign language with other school subjects) is often used in high school or university, although it is possible to use this technology with primary school pupils. As an example in this paper we have used our experience of teaching English to the first grade pupils through CLIL-technology on the lessons of additional educational program.

The experience of teaching English in primary school allowed us to see the following methodological opportunities of using CLIL-technology on foreign language lessons: these lessons can be used as a form of consolidation of knowledge that pupils acquire in studying other school subjects; it is possible to correlate teaching particular units of the English lessons planning with teaching the units of nonlinguistic subjects for effective integration of these subjects; the lessons of nonlinguistic subjects should be the basis for integration as an effective method of learning a foreign language in primary school. All these methodological opportunities of using CLIL-technology will allow teachers to generate better foreign language knowledge and develop skills of higher quality in the first grade pupils and can become the basis for new methodological works of teachers.

About the authors

Svetlana Anatolievna Gudkova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), assistant professor of Chair “Theory and practice of translation and interpretation”

Russian Federation

Nataliya Vladimirovna Yashina

Togliatti State University, Togliatti


graduate student of Institute of Humanities and Pedagogy

Russian Federation


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