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The professional activity of the internal affairs bodies’ staff is associated with various stress factors. Modern law enforcement system requires of the staff maximal fulfillment of their potential through the execution of the assigned operational and official tasks. The relevance of the study of the professional formation and personal self-fulfillment of the internal affairs bodies’ staff is caused by the high social significance of their professional activity.

The paper attempts to define if there are any peculiarities of personal self-fulfillment of the ministry of internal affairs staff in comparison with the personal self-fulfillment of the nondefense occupation representatives.

Forty representatives of the ministry of internal affairs staff (managerial and non-managerial personnel) at the ages from 21 to 45 and forty nondefense occupation representatives at the ages from 22 to 45 participated in the research. On the basis that, according to the authors’ opinion, personal self-fulfillment of the employees with different periods of professional employment has its peculiarities, the selection, both the experimental and the control one, was divided into two age groups. The age criterion of the first group was from 21 to 31 years, and the age criterion of the second group was from 32 to 45 years.

The results received indicate the specific dynamics of personal self-fulfillment of an internal affairs bodies’ employee in comparison with the representatives of nondefense professions. For instance, the employees of the first age group showed the higher indicators identifying the commitment to self-fulfillment. However, the second age group (from 32 to 45 years) displays different picture. The commitment to self-fulfillment has the inactive behavior that is especially noticeable in social and professional spheres of personal self-fulfillment.

About the authors

Sergey Ivanovich Kudinov

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow


Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head of Chair “Social and Differential Psychology”

Russian Federation

Aleksandr Ilyich Pozin

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow


postgraduate student of Chair “Social and Differential Psychology”

Russian Federation

Sofya Sergeevna Belousova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Chair “Social and Differential Psychology”

Russian Federation


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