- Authors: Guzeva M.V.1
- North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
- Issue: No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 16-20
- Section: Pedagogical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 273
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The paper presents the analysis of national philosophical and pedagogical thought on the spiritual and moral issues in different historical periods (from the XII century until our days) when the spiritual and moral education is considered an integral part of the education of the younger generation.
The author shows the main approaches to the problem of moral education. The first approach is related to the search for ways to enhance moral education. The second approach analyzes the development of moral stability of a person. The third approach specifies the content of moral education itself and its mechanism. The range of issues related to the development of moral beliefs of schoolchildren forms the fourth approach. The generalization of best practices of schools and teachers-innovators takes place within the fifth approach.
The paper features the analysis of the scientific research trends at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries, which determined that in the 90-ies the society has lost its interest for the issues of moral education. However, at the beginning of the XXI century, the interest of researchers to the issues of spiritual and moral education increases significantly. In this paper, the author attempts to systematize the key ideas of spiritual and moral education. The author comes to the conclusion on the necessity of revival of “basic Russian values” forming the value orientation of the younger generation.
About the authors
Maria Vladimirovna Guzeva
North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Education), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of pedagogy and pedagogic technologies
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