- Authors: Valeeva O.A.1
- Saratov State Juridical Academy, Saratov
- Issue: No 2 (2016)
- Pages: 15-20
- Section: Pedagogical Sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukipedagogika.ru/jour/article/view/292
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2221-5662-2016-2-15-20
- ID: 292
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One of the problems any researcher of “learning and research activity” phenomenon faces is the selection or creation of the diagnostic tools for the assessment of achieving its goals by the students. As the range of the goals for the achievement of which it is possible to apply the learning and research activity as the form of training activity is very wide, the application of the tools existing in pedagogical literature is extremely difficult. The aim of this paper is the development of diagnostic tools for the achievement of goals of the learning and research activity of the students. The procedure of classification of possible goals of learning and research activity in the educational institution of higher education became the basis for the diagnostic tools development. In the result of the analysis of several Federal State Standards of Higher Vocational Education for the programs “Legal coverage of national safety”, “Administrative support” and of Secondary Vocational Education with the specialization in “Technology of milk and milk products”, “Economics and accounting”, the author determined three groups of goals: the strategic – the final application objectives within the frames of the whole educational process, the operative – the application objectives within the frames of teaching single academic discipline, and the tactical – the application objectives within the frames of a specified activity. On this basis, the author determined the criteria and the indices of their assessment: personal, characterizing the achievement of strategic objectives of the learning and research activity and reflecting in its indices the content of “general culture competencies”; functional, characterizing the achievement of tactical objectives of the learning and research activity and reflecting in its indices the subject purpose within the learning and research activity; and operational, characterizing the achievement of operative objectives of the learning and research activity and reflecting in its indices the content of special requirements necessary for research activity, and developed necessary tools – the expert’s checklist, the questionnaire for students. The reliability and validity of these tools are proved during the pilot study carried out on the base of Volsk Military Institute of Material Support.
About the authors
Olga Anatolievna Valeeva
Saratov State Juridical Academy, Saratov
Author for correspondence.
Email: valeevafedorova@yandex.ru
postgraduate student of Chair of English language, theoretical and applied linguistics
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