No 2 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Published 30.06.2016
Full Issue
Pedagogical Sciences
The paper considers the role of parents in the children upbringing from the perspective of Abkhazian folk pedagogy. The author presents the reasons of national originality of upbringing and gives the overview of the lifestyle peculiarities demonstrating most brightly the behavioral distinctions of a father and a mother in parenting children, in the distribution of routine duties formed and fixed according to the specificity of folk customs, traditions, and national mentality. Such differentiation is caused not only by the natural conformity and by vital necessity but by the attempts to bring up children with the definite ethnos characteristics as well. To the author’s opinion, only parents following the national-cultural values and togetherness in their children education are able to implement this task. Folk pedagogy studies such methods and methodologies of educative influence on the rising generation with the application of educational experience of the ancestors. Within the frames of the study of Abkhazian ethnic education special features, the author detected the significant role both of the society and the family in the formation of folk education principles. It is considered natural that the most mistakes of upbringing are made in the family as all social changes impact on it and its practice changes respectively. According to the above said the consideration of specified and established educational roles of a father and a mother in Abkhazian folk pedagogy is topical today. The analysis of the father and mother’s behavioral patterns in Abkhazian family from the perspectives of ethnic education is new and not investigated before. In the conclusion, the author gives the recommendations and requirements to the parents existing in Abkhazian folk pedagogy and acceptable due to their wisdom and humanism nowadays as well.
One of the problems any researcher of “learning and research activity” phenomenon faces is the selection or creation of the diagnostic tools for the assessment of achieving its goals by the students. As the range of the goals for the achievement of which it is possible to apply the learning and research activity as the form of training activity is very wide, the application of the tools existing in pedagogical literature is extremely difficult. The aim of this paper is the development of diagnostic tools for the achievement of goals of the learning and research activity of the students. The procedure of classification of possible goals of learning and research activity in the educational institution of higher education became the basis for the diagnostic tools development. In the result of the analysis of several Federal State Standards of Higher Vocational Education for the programs “Legal coverage of national safety”, “Administrative support” and of Secondary Vocational Education with the specialization in “Technology of milk and milk products”, “Economics and accounting”, the author determined three groups of goals: the strategic – the final application objectives within the frames of the whole educational process, the operative – the application objectives within the frames of teaching single academic discipline, and the tactical – the application objectives within the frames of a specified activity. On this basis, the author determined the criteria and the indices of their assessment: personal, characterizing the achievement of strategic objectives of the learning and research activity and reflecting in its indices the content of “general culture competencies”; functional, characterizing the achievement of tactical objectives of the learning and research activity and reflecting in its indices the subject purpose within the learning and research activity; and operational, characterizing the achievement of operative objectives of the learning and research activity and reflecting in its indices the content of special requirements necessary for research activity, and developed necessary tools – the expert’s checklist, the questionnaire for students. The reliability and validity of these tools are proved during the pilot study carried out on the base of Volsk Military Institute of Material Support.
The paper considers the relevance of the formation of general competencies of future technicians-ecologists. The authors analyzed the concept of “competency” and determined its components. The paper presents the key results of the experimental study extending the theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of general competencies of the students-ecologists in the institutions of vocational secondary education. The authors gave the model of formation and evaluation of general competencies of the students-ecologists and developed the criteria and diagnostic tools that allow controlling the process of the students’ general competencies formation. The authors selected and adapted the diagnostic tools for assessment of the level of formedness of the selected competency according to each component: motivational, cognitive, and activity-based. Special aspects of the experimental groups’ selection are described. The qualitative results of the ascertaining stage for determination of the level of general competencies’ formedness by each component are presented. The authors considered the educational conditions for general competencies formation, evaluated the suggested model within these conditions, and presented the results of the study on the level of formedness of understanding of the social significance of future profession and the demonstration of strong interest for it by the students-ecologists. The authors suggested the academic course “Principles of management of the environment and natural resources” aimed at the formation of general competencies of the students-ecologists in the institutions of secondary vocational education and carried out the educational experiment using the developed course on the base of secondary technical school. The assessment of the results of the study of the formation of general competencies of the students-ecologists in the institutions of secondary vocational education is given. The authors give the quantitative data on the results of the educational experiment according to each component, describe the growth dynamics of the general competencies’ formedness level, and consider the results of the educational experiment on the determination of the efficiency of the developed technology for formation of general competencies of the future ecologists.
This paper considers the results of the experimental proof of the efficiency of formation of translator’s professional competence within the “Automotive industry” subject area by the students-linguists on the thesaurus basis. The author describes the pattern of formation of future linguists’ translator’s professional competence that includes: a) teaching French-Russian automotive thesaurus; b) study guides on technical translation from French language into Russian; c) work program of practical course on technical translation from French language and the translator’s professional competence itself that is considered as the spectrum of general cultural and key professional competences, which include, firstly, the block of communicative competence with its components: linguistic, discursive and socio-cultural competences, and secondly, the block of translator’s competences, which includes the text-formative, technical and information-technology competence. The paper gives the statistical results of the experimental proof of the effectiveness of thesaurus approach application while forming the translator’s professional competence by future linguists within the automotive industry subject area and presents data of three-year pedagogical experiment, in which the students-future translators took part. The results of two selected subsets are considered: the first is the experimental one consisting of three subgroups of students (30 people) and the second is the control one, also consisting of three subgroups (30 people). Special attention is paid to the control of the process of formation of the translator’s professional competence that was carried out on the basis of specially developed pedagogical experiment course. The author determined the level of formedness of the translator’s professional competence of the students-linguists initially at the ascertaining stage (first control assessment), then at the forming, or finishing stage (second control assessment). The assessment was carried out in two stages taking into account ten parameters: pre-translational analysis was assessed in oral form according to five parameters, and the translation itself was assessed in written form according to five parameters as well. At the final stage of the experimental study, the control assessment in the form of the final examination (written translation) was carried out. The experimental results showed the definite effectiveness of implementation of developed thesaurus technology.
The paper researches a complex problem of training professional engineers in the conditions of the Russian two-level system of higher education, and their certification in government or public vocational structures. The problem is that unlike foreign countries modern Russia does not have the institute of professional engineers, who could modernize economy of the region, of the entire country, and ensure its competitiveness on the global level. Therefore, the aim of the work is to identify the reasons and define the basic conditions that can provide the opportunities for training professional engineers for the Russian industry at the present stage of development of higher education. The paper provides a brief analysis of the Soviet system of training engineers and the current training system in the majority of Russian technical universities. The work presents the basic problems and main disadvantages of the system of higher professional education and estimates the degree of development of vocational communities that can critically evaluate and influence the content of educational programs of universities. The authors provide a solution to the problem of training professional engineers in the Volga region and in Russia as a whole, which includes, firstly, creation and implementation of competence-based model of training students of technical engineering programs based on integrated requirements of FSES and representatives of the employers; secondly, establishing a clear system of public vocational accreditation of engineering educational programs; thirdly, creation of the all-Russian system of certification and registration of professional engineers by public vocational organizations.
Language acquisition as the communication tool is the main condition for coherent speech development of a preschooler. Communication in the preschool age has the immediate nature. Oral speech includes many possibilities for the formation of coherent speech consisting not of the separate, irrelevant sentences but presenting the coherent statement: story, announcement, description. The ability to create various types of texts is one of the requirements specified by the state educational standards of preschool education to the level of preschoolers’ speech development as the interaction of language and thinking takes place just on the level of text that is the actual oral communication unit.
The authors analyzed the problem of speech development of preschool age children and the development of the coherent descriptive statement of early preschool age children in particular. The authors revealed the content of the notions of “text”, “description”, “coherent statement”, and “coherent descriptive speech” from the perspective of linguistic and psychological approaches, pointed out the text functional and ontological features that determine it as the result of speech-creative process, as well as the text verbal, syntactic, and semantic parameters from the point of view of an object and a subject of oral communication. The paper presents the characteristics of description as one of the forms of coherent monolog and analyzes the existing in the literature approaches to the development of the coherent descriptive statement of preschoolers of different age groups. The authors specified the content of work with children when teaching them description based on the linguistic characteristics of descriptive text distinguishing the preparatory, the principal and the final stages of work and suggested the methodology of teaching description for early preschool children and the methods of work at each stage.
Ideas of teachers’ continuous professional development essentially affect the organization of the process of teachers’ retraining in general and professional skills development of instructors-andragogists involved in implementation of professional advanced training programs, in particular.
Based on the content-analysis of scientific publications on the issues of teachers’ retraining, the author concludes that implementation of andragogical interaction of the parties in the process of teachers’ advanced training is associated with the emergence of new challenges and calls on the teaching staff to possess professional competence, methodological readiness to implement new functions. The paper studies the problem of determination of professional position of the instructors-andragogists, their functions as the parties of andragogical interaction in the process of teachers’ retraining. The author formulates her own definition of the concept “professional andragogical position of an instructor of teachers’ retraining”. The work reveals the structure of professional andragogical position of the instructor of teachers’ professional retraining. The factors determining professional andragogical position of the instructor in professional retraining are substantiated. Given the specificity of the process of professional retraining and characteristics of the trainees, the author identifies the specific role-based positions of the instructor as the party of the educational process within professional development of teachers, in particular: the curator, the interlocutor, the supervisor, the tutor, the consultant, the co-author, the facilitator, the moderator, the coach, the expert and the mentor. The paper contains an expanded and substantiated list of the role-based positions, describes the functions of the instructor as the party of andragogical interaction in the process of teachers’ professional retraining. The results are presented of andragogical activity self-evaluation of the instructors involved in the professional retraining of teachers.
These findings can be used in implementation of additional professional programs of professional retraining of teachers.
The paper presents the theoretical and experimental study of interdisciplinary links application in teaching engineering disciplines. In order a student will understand the terminology within the active engineering task, the authors described the interrelation of this term understanding in other nontechnical disciplines. The links with other disciplines are built on the example of one engineering discipline. It allowed solving the engineering task by means of several methods using different disciplines. The authors determined the advantages and disadvantages of these methods as well as presented the recommendations on their application in engineering task solving. To follow up the theoretical study, the authors gave trial classes for the group of five-year students. Experimental study of interdisciplinary links application in teaching engineering disciplines was carried out according to the elaborated lesson plan. The paper presents the lesson plan and the lesson progress. Throughout the lesson, the authors used the visualization (machine models, 3-D models) that intensify the students’ activity. The students reinforced the material learnt during the lesson using the video clip. At the end of the lesson, within the frame of the topic learned, the modern technology designs and its development prospects were presented. In the result, the authors worked out the recommendations on the interdisciplinary links application in teaching engineering disciplines. During this study, the authors determined that while teaching it is necessary to use complex approach, which takes into account the study of machines and processes as a whole, in the system of knowledge, and not separately.
The process of the overseas students’ adaptation at the beginning of their study at a higher school is quite complicated and multifaceted. There are a few reasons at the basis of this phenomenon: difference in ideology and education, language and social barriers, etc. At the medical university, the main reasons are accompanied with the specifics of the teaching process which employs cadavers, and this fact, in its turn, affects seriously the entire educational process. It is connected with a different religious confession and religious commitment of the students. As a result, the abundance of news aspects in the student’s life and, therefore, increased physical activity and mental work load may cause stress and fatigue that influences immensely the quality of the educational process. The paper describes special aspects of pedagogical communication and modes of behaviour, which should be used by a teacher in the process of teaching the overseas students. The authors present the ways and methods employed by the teaching staff of the department of general human anatomy at Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University to solve the issues of adaptation process intensification, which can facilitate the university students’ adaptation to the new educational environment. Among all the methods, the most efficient is a specific organization of the educational process, based on the improvement of ways of educational material presentation, as well as the use of “supportive” educational technologies. One of the important moments of the process is to introduce students to scientific and historical values of the Russian anatomical school, expansion of scientific outlook, which can serve a good motivational basis for the students.
Professional training should create the conditions for the disclosure of the student’s individuality opportunities. Self-actualization is regarded as one of the most important resources that should intensify in the training of students. Specific features of vocational training can take into account different components of self-actualization. An empirical study of self-actualization profiles of students in various educational programs has involved 50 student-athletes and 45 psychology students. It has been found that for the total sample of subjects the most developed parts are the following components: “knowledge about the human nature”, “capacity for spontaneity”, “creativity”, a high level of “self-esteem” and the fact that self-actualization does not depend on gender characteristics. Self-actualization profiles of psychology students and student-athletes have the similar pattern, and significant difference between the profile factors has not been identified. At the same time, it has been found that student-athletes have a higher factor of creativity, self-acceptance and independence in their actions. Psychology students, on the contrary, have more developed such factors as spontaneity, sensitivity, and self-esteem. The research has revealed a problematic area of psychology students’ self-actualization: high self-esteem and lack of self-acceptance can provoke emotional burnout and dissatisfaction with themselves and their profession. Based on these results, the author can conclude that the development of self-actualization as an integral characteristic requires the development of spontaneity, creativity, and temporal competence; it is important for psychology students to increase confidence factors to themselves and the world, greater flexibility in behavior; students-athletes should expand the boundaries of self-esteem. The instrument of the components of students’ self-actualization can become coping behavior. Reducing in the use of “escape-avoidance” coping and increase in “planning of the problem solution” and “creativity” will contribute to the development of self-esteem and reliance on their own values.
Psychological sciences
In the present context of education modernization, the activity on psychologization of the school education and bringing-up process and the improvement of the psychological culture of its actors is the important aspect of work of educational institutions and psychological services. School should create the conditions for the personality development of a child who can solve successfully various task of everyday life. However, the content of modern secondary education is developed not enough according to the needs of the society and a person in the sphere of psychological culture. Psychological culture being a multivariate, system, integral personal formation is represented by three interrelated components (intellectual, axiological and practical) that together allow reflecting the peculiarities of interaction and relations of a person with himself, other people and the environment in the whole. High level of its development allows solving more properly the tasks of self-identification, self-development, self-regulation, and social adaptation. It is required to approach its formation in an integrated manner.
The paper presents various approaches to the definition of the psychological culture of a person, its structure, and reveals the content of its components. The authors prove the necessity of formation of the practical component of the psychological culture of the adolescents on the example of their communicative competence, present and analyze the results of experimental work.
The material of the paper extends the existing in psychological and pedagogical sciences understandings about the psychological culture of adolescents and the possibilities of its formation. The suggested materials can be used while following-up the adolescent person development within the educational process and the psychology training in the school.
The paper covers the study of psychological aspects of the development of communicative tolerance of the students of the college of education. The author introduces the major approaches to the definition of tolerance and the meaning of this concept in Russian psychological science. The paper presents the generalized definition of communicative tolerance as the framework characteristic reflecting the level of personal tolerance for unpleasant and unacceptable mental states, qualities and actions of the interaction partners.
The author carried out the comparative analysis of tolerant and intolerant attitudes of the students – future representatives of socionomy and signomy types of professions. The organizational methods (comparative method in particular), psychognostic methods and methods of quantity-quality (statistical) data processing were used as the methods of study. In the result of psychological diagnostics, the author revealed that the students of the college of education participated in the study had the middle level of communicative tolerance, which can be expressed in the form of situational, professional and typological tolerant and intolerant attitudes. In the paper, it is statistically proved that the level of general communicative tolerance of the students – future representatives of signomy type of professions is averagely higher than that of the student – future representatives of socionomy type of professions. However, part of the students representing the signomy type of professions at the initial stages of learning demonstrates such intolerant communicative attitudes as self-righteousness and intolerance while evaluating other people that can hinder their professional interaction. Special attention should be focused on the “Social work” specialty students who demonstrated such intolerant communicative attitudes as the inability or unwillingness to understand or accept individual peculiarities of other people. The results of the study proved the importance of the diagnostics and development of communicative tolerance and certain intolerant attitudes of the students of the college of education for the improvement of their vocational training.
In connection with global changes in the education system and introduction of Federal state educational standard for primary education (FSES PE), the issue of emotional development of primary school children acquires new emphasis. The central task of educational activity and the main system formation of primary-school age is now considered the child’s achievement of the level of formed emotional culture in the complex of its components by the end of the primary-school age period. Integrity of emotional development of primary school children is also one of the essential conditions for the effectiveness of the training and education of children in the following age periods. The aim of the research is to diagnose the cognitive component of emotional culture. The results of the study revealed the signs of insufficient development of the cognitive component of emotional culture. The children demonstrated inadequate response to the proposed emotional situations, immaturity of moral faculty, and had difficulty in distinguishing between different emotions (fear, anger and sadness). A distorted understanding of emotions of other people can become the reason for inadequate behavior of children and unfavourable emotional state. More precise differentiation of emotional states was observed when children were performing a task with a picture containing a plot. The plot and activity context facilitated children’s adequate perception and understanding of emotional states of other people – they identified easier the emotions of the characters depicted. The results of the study indicate the necessity of the development and testing of the programme aimed at formation and development of the cognitive component of emotional culture.
The paper studies such form of deviant behavior as addiction, names the authors who conducted pioneer research in formation of special scientific branch of knowledge – addictology, which deals with the study of addictions and addictive behaviour. A review of scientific literature on the investigated problem is presented. The authors interpret the factors as the causes, driving forces of any phenomenon. As psychological factors affecting the development of propensity for addictive behavior among university students, the types of personality (extraversion, neuroticism), types of accentuation of the character and personality traits are distinguished. An empirical study was organized and conducted, which revealed similarities and differences in the manifestation of the propensity for addictive behavior in young men and women, as well as connection between specific forms of addiction with the considered psychological factors. Factor analysis was used to clarify the content of the psychological factors of the structure. Description and analysis of the results are presented in this paper. Three psychological factors have been identified: emotional and volitional, interpersonal and communicative, and conative. Each of them corresponds to the specific component in the structure of propensity for addictive behaviour of university students, and carries out its functional role in the development of this tendency. The analysis of identified psychological factors shows the influence of specific variables of each factor on the manifestation of the university students' propensity for addictive behaviour. The psychological factor, a “trigger” for addictive implementation, is the interpersonal and communicative factor, then conative (as the specific behavior features of a person in the state of addictive implementation) and emotional-and-volitional – associated with obtaining and maintaining of intense emotions. Understanding of the psychological factors of structure makes it possible to influence and transform them, and thereby prevent the development of young people’s propensity for addictive behavior.
Guidance of children without parental support is the topical problem of modern society. At the same time, the education of children according to the traditional pattern of guardianship and custody, which is an orphanage, is built not taking into account the adequate psychological conditions providing full development of children. This study is meant to reveal an aspect of the experience of frustrating situations by children being at foster care and brought up in the orphanage. The results of the study allow declaring the value of foster care. The leveling of reactions to the frustrating situations is clearly visible with children being brought up in a family, and the indices of self-assessment in this group are also closer to the normal values. Frustration as a psychological phenomenon is considered as an object of the study of this paper, and the experience of problem situations by children without parental support is considered as the subject for the study. The author makes the following assumptions: children being brought up in the orphanage are characterized by the range of peculiarities in the demonstration of reactions to the problem situation in distinction from children being at foster care; there is the relation between the nature of problem situations overcoming by children without parental support and the self-assessment.
It is determined that children living in the family react to frustrating situations less badly, they perceive themselves able to cope with the problems, their self-assessment is close to adequate. Children being brought up in the orphanage have self-assessment close to inflated; they perceive problem situations as the inevitable and non-controllable. The author noted the positive role of foster care for the development of comprehensive personality of a child.
The timeliness of the topic of the study of personal subjective well-being in the process of adaptation to the foreign cultures is caused both by the intrascientific reasons involving deeper understanding of relations between the adaptation as the process and the personal satisfaction as the complex social and psychological phenomenon and the social and economic necessity of the increase in the number of foreign citizens subjectively satisfied with their education and living in Russia. The objective of the study is the comparative analysis of subjective well-being of Chinese students in the process of adaptation to the foreign culture in the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Moscow). One hundred twenty Chinese students of matched by gender sample being at different stages of adaptation to foreign culture (less than one year – forty students; about three years – forty students; more than five years – forty students) participated in the study with the application of three methodologies of the inquiry type. The results of the comparative analysis show that the students of the first group demonstrate the lowest adaptedness at the absence of goals in life, low personal growth, submissiveness, negative evaluation of oneself and the environment. The students who are at the stage of adaptation for about three years demonstrate the instability of adaptedness, medium degree of self-acceptance, emotional discomfort, and the willingness to manage the environment at its low positive evaluation. The students who are at the stage of adaptation for more than five years demonstrate the largest adaptedness at high personal growth, self-acceptance and acceptance of other people, satisfaction with the everyday activity, the desire to manage the environment. The authors specified factor structures of test groups indicating the relations of adaptedness and inner control of three groups of test students; the relations of disadaptedness and escapism of the students with the adaptation of about three years. The revealed peculiarities can be taken into account when creating the programs of psychological support of adaptation of Chinese students in Russian internationally oriented university.