Studying gravitation phenomena in a foreign-language audience using the example of the “Gravity” movie

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The rapid development of digital technologies and actualization of online education create the necessary conditions for the active use of a video material when teaching foreign students. Its application in the process of learning physics is definitely of considerable practical importance. However, the film demonstration is not a goal in itself – the system of previewing, viewing, and post-viewing tasks plays a key role, which allows ensuring a qualitative understanding of the information, improves the students’ motivation, and promotes the formation of interest in the studied discipline. This paper was aimed to describe the main stages and methods of work with a video film in a physics class. The authors focused their attention on the visual demonstration of the basic laws and phenomena of physics; for this purpose, the Oscar-winning film “Gravity” by Alfonso Cuaron was chosen. The paper presents the types of tasks and exercises that allow preparing students for watching and understanding the film, as well as controlling the assimilation of theoretical and practical information. During the study, the authors conducted the surveys of the students to identify difficulties of film perception, the quality of understanding and acquiring of the studied material, pros and cons of organizing a lesson. As a result of the study, the authors identified that such form of a lesson allows the students to present the studied material, solve problems, form hypotheses, scientifically argue their point of view, and competently answer questions. The practical orientation of this paper is in the presentation of a well-planned lesson adapted to the level of a student – a pre-university training student, a bachelor, or a master.

About the authors

Maxim Nikolaevich Ulyanov

Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0066-9559

PhD (Physics and Mathematics), assistant professor of Chair of General and Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics

Russian Federation

Evgeniya Pavlovna Ulyanova

South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8949-3216

PhD (Philology), assistant professor of Chair of Russian as a Foreign Language, Institute of Linguistics and International Communications

Russian Federation


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