No 4 (2022)

Full Issue

Pedagogical Sciences

Special aspects of formation of inclusive literacy of the students of pedagogical and non-pedagogical training at a university

Goryunova L.V., Timchenko E.S., Timchenko I.V.


Nowadays, the guidelines of the social and educational inclusion are reflected in the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation in the form of the competence-based results of a future university graduate. The inclusive competence must be formed by the graduates of all training programs regardless of the nature of their future professional activity. Most university teachers express a doubt about the necessity of making the inclusive competence universal, based on the specific wording of this competence represented in the federal state educational standards of higher education for bachelors and specialists. The study proposes the inclusive literacy as an alternative to the inclusive competence, which is defined by the authors in the context of a functional approach to different aspects of human life. The paper justifies the expediency of considering the inclusive literacy rather than a competence or culture; formulates the content definition of the inclusive literacy in the context of a broad understanding of inclusion. The authors conducted a survey of 386 students of the Southern Federal University studying under the pedagogical and non-pedagogical training programs. Based on the analysis of the survey results, the authors identified common and specific problems occurring when implementing the practice of the inclusive literacy formation by the students of pedagogical and non-pedagogical training programs: the insufficient understanding of the essence of inclusion and its considering by the majority of the students mostly in the narrow context; low awareness about the regulatory grounds of the social and educational inclusion; formal attitude to the inclusion issues mediated by the specifics of training programs. The results of the study show that it is necessary to review the content of the inclusive competence recorded in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3++ in the context of broad understanding of the inclusion and its correlation with the functional inclusive literacy.

Evidence-based education studies. 2022;(4):9-16
pages 9-16 views

Reflexive communication as a condition for the manifestation and development of educational agency of master students

Karastelev V.E., Danilova V.L.


The learning process at school and at a university usually allows students to remain a passive “material” of pedagogical influences; it both does not require any student initiative and prevents its manifestation. This paper describes the experience of creating conditions for students to take a more active position regarding the process of their professional training: to realize their interests and requests for the learning process, to reflect on personal results for a semester and academic year, to cooperate with teachers to improve the educational process. The authors describe three communicative formats (goal-setting session, analytical session, comprehensive semester exam) and the results of their use in the organization of the educational process. The main feature of these communication formats is the posing of questions by each of the participants (to themselves or to other participants in the interaction), the exchange of these questions, and their joint discussion highlighting the problems that need to be solved. The described experience shows that such an organization of interaction between students, both among themselves and with teachers, helps students to better understand their own educational needs and the possibilities of the postgraduate program, set realistic goals for the next semester, and think about how to make their professional training as effective as possible. As a result, some master students take part in the educational process improvement together with teachers. This allows suggesting that as a result of the interaction organized in this way, students acquire the educational agency experience.

Evidence-based education studies. 2022;(4):17-24
pages 17-24 views

The content of the cross-cultural competence of foreign students of the preparatory department

Saifulina A.G., Leifa A.V.


Friendly cross-cultural and international relations are currently of particular importance for countries and peoples around the world. The state policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at promoting the Russian language and Russian culture, exporting education. The preparatory department, as the first stage of the educational process of foreign citizens in Russia, both provides language training and plays an important role in the socio-cultural development of students, their acquaintance with the target-language country. The paper covers the issue of the formation of the cross-cultural competence of foreign students of the preparatory department, be exact, the theoretical substantiation of the content of this competence: the identification and description of its topical units. The paper analyzes the possibilities of using an interdisciplinary approach in the process of formation of the cross-cultural competence of foreign students of the preparatory department. As the cross-cultural competence, the authors consider the information about the culture, history, and geography of a target-language country, and some national identities of the people of this country. When selecting the content of the cross-cultural competence, the authors took into account the principles and criteria for selection of the content of education, the specifics of foreign students, and special aspects of organizing the educational process at the preparation stage. As a result of the study, the authors identified the content of the cross-cultural competence of foreign students of the preparatory department, specified and described its topical units: cultural-historical, geographical, national, and regional. Besides, the authors described cognitive and functional components of the cross-cultural competence. The paper establishes relations between the disciplines of the humanities and substantiates the application of an interdisciplinary approach within the framework of the formation of the cross-cultural competence of foreign students of the preparatory department.

Evidence-based education studies. 2022;(4):25-31
pages 25-31 views

Studying gravitation phenomena in a foreign-language audience using the example of the “Gravity” movie

Ulyanov M.N., Ulyanova E.P.


The rapid development of digital technologies and actualization of online education create the necessary conditions for the active use of a video material when teaching foreign students. Its application in the process of learning physics is definitely of considerable practical importance. However, the film demonstration is not a goal in itself – the system of previewing, viewing, and post-viewing tasks plays a key role, which allows ensuring a qualitative understanding of the information, improves the students’ motivation, and promotes the formation of interest in the studied discipline. This paper was aimed to describe the main stages and methods of work with a video film in a physics class. The authors focused their attention on the visual demonstration of the basic laws and phenomena of physics; for this purpose, the Oscar-winning film “Gravity” by Alfonso Cuaron was chosen. The paper presents the types of tasks and exercises that allow preparing students for watching and understanding the film, as well as controlling the assimilation of theoretical and practical information. During the study, the authors conducted the surveys of the students to identify difficulties of film perception, the quality of understanding and acquiring of the studied material, pros and cons of organizing a lesson. As a result of the study, the authors identified that such form of a lesson allows the students to present the studied material, solve problems, form hypotheses, scientifically argue their point of view, and competently answer questions. The practical orientation of this paper is in the presentation of a well-planned lesson adapted to the level of a student – a pre-university training student, a bachelor, or a master.

Evidence-based education studies. 2022;(4):32-38
pages 32-38 views

Psychological sciences

The content and interrelations of resources and cognitive-personal characteristics among the adolescents with visual impairments

Adeeva T.N., Tikhonova I.V., Khazova S.A.


Health limitations are traditionally considered in psychology as difficult living conditions determining the specifics of personal development and related to the necessity of updating the resource system. The problem of the resource content specifics in the situation of health limitations did not find proper attention in psychology for a long time. The variety of external and internal resources raises the question about the factors causing them, about the search for the person’s qualities or abilities determining the resources updating. The paper presents the semantics of the resource concept in the group of adolescents with visual impairments, describes the basic interrelations of resources and cognitive-personal characteristics (reflection, self-efficacy), resources and coping strategies. Most frequently, visually impaired adolescents define a resource as a means to achieve a goal, as a potential and opportunities available to a person. The main function of a resource for teenagers is to help and support. Less frequently, the adolescents use the references to personal qualities as a resource. From the point of view of visually impaired adolescents, the social support resource is the most significant, and the stress control resource is less significant, which can be explained by age specifics. The authors identified fair direct correlation relationships between such resources as confidence, social support and parameters of self-efficacy and reflection. For visually impaired adolescents, the systemic use of parameters of reflection and resources proved to be important. The set of reflection parameters is both a health resource predictor and a multiple coping predictor. The use of a set of reflection parameters by adolescents determines the application of the social support and health resource. The communication reflection has the greatest influence on the use of the social support resource. The systemic use of the coping resources determines the self-efficacy parameter.

Evidence-based education studies. 2022;(4):41-48
pages 41-48 views

Violation of time perspectives in a victim’s personality

Andronnikova O.O., Veterok E.V.


The relevance of the study of time perspective as a phenomenon that can be conceptualized in different ways is caused by its critical role in perception and experience of life events, their meaning. Psychological time of a person unites all the reality structures as all life processes develop in a continuum. The specifics of perception of different (most commonly traumatic) life events by a victim person attract special emphasis. The growth of victimization is caused by the escalation of tensions of modern society with the mosaic structure of the ideas about the specifics of view of life. The paper covers the theoretical and empirical analysis of time perspectives violation and cognitive distortions of a victimized personality. The authors give characteristics of a personality time perspective as a multidimensional dynamic construct, describe its differentiation. The paper describes the role of cognitive distortions in the determination of victim behavior of a person. Based on a theoretical review, the authors formulated a hypothesis that a victim personality is characterized by the time perspective violations. An empirical sample group involved young male and female students and graduate students of Russian universities (N=165). The average age of tested people was 21.8 years (max=29, min=20). In the study, the authors used the following methods: O.O. Andronnikova’s Technique of the Research of Propensity to Victim Behavior; Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory; A. Beck and A. Weisman Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, and A. Ellis Survey of Personal Beliefs. The empirical study identified the reliable interrelations between the victim behavior scales and time perspective parameters. A victim personality is characterized by a pessimistic attitude to the events in the past, fatalistic, helpless, and hopeless attitude to the present and the life on the whole, inability to develop time perspective of the future with the lack of ability to enjoy current events. 

Evidence-based education studies. 2022;(4):49-57
pages 49-57 views

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