Teaching General Physical Training discipline in the format of distance learning

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The issues of teaching the General Physical Training discipline in the distance learning format and the development of distance courses of sports disciplines in the period before the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated self-isolation were practically not studied. The contradiction between the active introduction of distance learning in modern universities and insufficient experience and methodological elaboration of this issue in relation to teaching sports disciplines causes the problem of maintaining the quality of teaching the General Physical Training discipline in the distance learning format. The purpose of the study is to develop methodological support, test and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching the General Physical Training discipline in the distance learning format. Students of the Faculty of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism of the Mari State University, 44 young men aged 17 to 19, participated in the study in the form of a pedagogical experiment. The results indicate that, in general, the development of physical qualities of students of the experimental group was no worse than in the control group, and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge of students of the experimental group was better than that of students of the control group. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge, the development of speed and flexibility of students during the transition to distance teaching of the General Physical Training discipline practically do not lose quality compared to full-time education, and solving the problems of developing strength, endurance and coordination abilities of students requires additional methodological work on the part of the teacher.

About the authors

Tatyana V. Koshkina

Mari State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: koshkina.tv@marsu.ru

senior lecturer of Center of Development of Physical Training and Sports of the Faculty of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism

Russian Federation, 424000, Yoshkar-Ola, Lenin Square, 1


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