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The paper defines the content and the components of modular organization of the educational process, specifies their functional potential, and gives the informal description of generic notions providing the scientific explanation of the concept of “component-modular organization of the process of teaching students”. The relevance of the issue stated is caused by the fact that the modern pedagogical science in the sphere of higher education should provide personal development of each student, the formation of his or her cognitive activity. The task of improvement of the quality of training specialists, which is focused on the formation of the educational drive, understanding of cognitive values, re-thinking of the results of the own educational activity, is currently topical. When solving this task it is necessary to consider modular approach providing scientific and methodological support of the organization of educational process at the university. The authors reveal the content of component-modular organization of the educational process at the university and define it, from the authors’ point of view, as the transition from traditional systems of organization to the construction of learning programs and organization of the educational process in the integration of technological, methodological and organizational support of the process of training students for their future professional activity. In its integrative essence, the modular organization of the educational process, training process can be considered as the component-modular approach to the organization of the educational process, the components of which are the goal block, the block of learning information divided in completed and independent units, the block of informational support, the block of independent work of the students, and the block of control. Their combination is intended to reveal the content of a specific learning topic or learning discipline providing the formation of the dynamic combination of knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities that will be demonstrated by the student after completing the educational program or its part. The goal of this paper is the analysis of the notions composing the essence of the component-modular organization of the educational process at the university, scientific explanation of its components, identifying the functional-pedagogical potential of the component-modular organization of the educational process of the university students.

About the authors

Tatyana Sergeevna Shinyavskaya

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg

Author for correspondence.

senior lecturer

Russian Federation

Tatyana Sergeevna Berseneva

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg


senior lecturer

Russian Federation

Natalya Vladimirovna Skorobogatova

Ural State University of Railway Transport, Ekaterinburg


Associate Professor

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Shinyavskaya T.S., Berseneva T.S., Skorobogatova N.V.

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