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A research of self-efficacy predictors has been done among school students of grades 5–9. Psychological means of academic adaptation, educational motives, and characteristics of decision-making in a situation of uncertainty have been chosen as predictors of self-efficacy. The concepts “academic adaptation”, “means of adaptation”, and “self-efficacy” are defined. The degree of scientific development of academic adaptation in Russian and foreign literature is determined. Theoretical and empirical researches in the field of pedagogical psychology are analyzed, which prove that certain personal variables contribute to the positive adaptation of schoolchildren. An attempt is made to link academic adaptation and self-efficacy. To study the predictors of self-efficacy by means of academic adaptation, appropriate diagnostic tools have been selected. As a method for studying the psychological means of academic adaptation, the author uses a specially developed questionnaire. The scientific paper presents the results of the empirical study, as well as the subsequent regression analysis of self-efficacy indicators and the preferred means of academic adaptation of middle school students. A detailed analysis of predictors of the self-efficacy level is presented with special emphasis on the psychological means of academic adaptation. The analysis is supplemented with a discussion of the results of empirical studies and conceptions of leading Russian and foreign scientists. It is determined that readiness for risk has the strongest prediction in relation to the level of self-efficacy among all psychological means of academic adaptation. In the conclusion, the author notes the existence of prediction of schoolchildren confidence degree in their ability to be productive in certain activities through psychological means described in the questionnaire.

About the authors

Marina Vasilievna Graur

N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov State University, Saratov

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Chair of Pedagogical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics

Russian Federation


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