Innovative methods of teaching political scientists at Russian universities

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The disciplines of the programme “Political Science” are characterized by their variability and the number of theories and concepts that are of the same scientific nature. Consequently, teaching these disciplines offers specific opportunities enabling students to develop creative thinking, practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The paper describes the analysis of academic performance of political science students in the discipline “Political Technologies”. The assessment of knowledge obtained was carried out in the form of selective testing based on the results of teaching the discipline in traditional and innovative forms. Traditional lectures and innovative lectures, as well as tutorials organized in various forms were subject to separate monitoring. The innovative lectures were specified the following: problem lecture, binary lecture, visualization lecture, consultation lecture, situation analysis lecture. Innovative tutorials included classes, which use the following teaching methods and techniques: dialogues and interviews in pairs, impulse messaging, role-playing, boards with notes, flashcards, opinion cards, Case Study method. A study of students’ level of learning proved high effectiveness of innovative methods and forms of teaching political disciplines to the students. The final indicators demonstrated the difference in the level of knowledge obtained from a number of traditional lectures (14.4 %) and from practicing innovative lectures (15.6 %). Students demonstrated a higher level of learning after attending innovative classes. The study allows concluding about the necessity to introduce innovative methods, technologies and teaching aids into the educational process of a university in teaching political disciplines, which corresponds both to the interests of students and to the current development of society.

About the authors

Elena Viktorovna Pykhteeva

Omsk Humanitarian Academy

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Political Sciences), assistant professor of Chair of Political Science, Social Sciences, Humanities and Foreign Languages

Russian Federation, 644105, Russia, Omsk, 4th Chelyuskintsev Street, 2A


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