Use of case study technologies based on feature films in teaching business English at a university

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In the modern world, proficiency in foreign languages has become an important factor for successful employment and career growth. However, lack of motivation and sufficient speech practice can become an obstacle on the way to the formation of the necessary speech skills. In this regard, as a solution to this problem, the use of case study technology is proposed. The author of the study has developed a series of cases based on feature films in English, aimed at students of levels B1 and B2. The aim of the work was to create methodological recommendations for designing cases based on films and their implementation in English classes. The author examines the stages of case design, starting from formulating the problem and choosing a film to organizing classes using the developed cases. The paper emphasizes that the use of feature films as a basis for case studies activates the listening skills in a foreign language, enriches students’ vocabulary and stimulates their active participation in the discussion of the issue. The author comes to the conclusion that film-based cases contribute to the activation of students’ interaction in a foreign language, develop their communicative skills and teamwork skills, as well as formation of professional skills. In addition, the use of those cases facilitate the development of such soft skills as information analysis, critical thinking, and activity planning. Thus, the study demonstrates that the educational approach based on the use of feature films contributes to more effective teaching of English, improves the quality of the learning process, and increases students’ motivation in general.

About the authors

Natalya V. Konoplyuk

Togliatti State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7865-5144

PhD (Philology), Assistant Professor of Chair “Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures”

Russian Federation, 445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14


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