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The paper presents the analysis of the results of a mass anonymous questionnaire survey of the criminal executive system employees of the Samara region, which identified some characteristics of the organizational culture of this system manifested in the form of group values, attitudes, behavioral norms, rules, customs, and traditions regulating the professional behavior of employees. According to the opinion of most surveyed employees, such most expressed characteristics are moderation in duty relations; the use of various communication forms among the employees; the uniformity in the style of dress (clothes); strict attitude to the time, punctuality. The opinions of the surveyed employees are divided approximately equally regarding other organizational culture characteristics - food etiquette; formalization degree of relations between employees; the level of formedness of values and norms of professional behavior, worldviews; the existence of conditions for development and self-fulfillment of employees; the attitude towards the job as to a value, attitude to one’s obligations, the interrelation between the results of the work and their remuneration, the existence of planning of the staff employment career. The authors specified factors influencing the formation of these characteristics. They are strict regulation of professional activity, possible extremality related to the aggression from the convicts, and some unfavorable work conditions. All these can lead to emotional burnout and professional deformation of the employees’ personalities. In such conditions, the organizational culture characteristics can be formed, which negatively reflect upon personal and business interrelations of employees, their attitude towards the convicts, and their own professional activity. The authors give recommendations aimed at the optimization of organizational culture characteristics at the divisions of the criminal executive system of the Samara Region.

About the authors

N. N. Yarushkin

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
Email: nyarushkin@mail.ru

Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, professor of Chair of General and Social Psychology

Russian Federation

E. A. Levina

Administration of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Samara Region

Email: levina_elena@mail.ru

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, psychologist of the Division for Psychological Support of the Penal Enforcement Inspectorate

Russian Federation

N. N. Satonina

Samara State Technical University

Email: nn_satonina@rambler.ru

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Economics and Corporate Management

Russian Federation


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