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The study was carried out in order to establish the practices of daily direct social interaction preferred by the student-age population, as well as the interrelations between these practices and such moral standards as confidence, honesty, and solidarity. The sample included the students of a Moscow region University studying in the Humanities (N=88).

The diagnostics of the everyday social interaction practices was carried out with the help of the diagnostic interviews, the stimulus material of which is the description of the problem situations of social life. The subject determines the significance of the proposed situation and implements the solution of the problem by choosing from the fan of options of a social interaction strategy/practice. The evaluation of moral standards was carried out by means of test-questionnaires allowing measuring the level of formedness of different aspects of confidence and solidarity, as well as the degree of the legitimization of different manifestations of dishonesty.

Pairwise correlation analysis showed that the active strategies were the preferred social interaction practices of the students. It was found that the degree of their preference depended on the level of independence of a subject within the interaction and, as a consequence, on the level of responsibility for the after-effects of these actions. Based on the correlation analysis, the authors identified the contribution of certain standards to the implementation of specific social activity practices of the students. It is found that the standard of citizenship is characterized by the total impact on the social activity of young people. The results have the applied significance as they identify the “targets” of the educational work carried out at the university.

Further prospects of the research are related to the identification of the types of the students characterized by the certain social interaction practices and moral regulators of behavior and the determination of their representation in the sample.

About the authors

Margarita Konstantinovna Akimova

Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow


Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), professor of Chair of General Psychology and Psychodiagnostics of L.S. Vygotsky Institute of Psychology

Russian Federation

Olga Aleksandrovna Galstyan

State University of Humanities and Technology, Orekhovo-Z

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Psychology), assistant professor of Chair of Psychology and Social Pedagogy

Russian Federation


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