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The demographic and social problems of a modern family are related to the difficulties which young people experience when taking on the family (matrimonial and parental) roles. However, the readiness for the fulfillment of family roles is developed both in women and men far before marriage and childbirth, beginning from the preschool age. This fact determines the necessity to study both the issues of readiness for parenting and the issues of this readiness development. The paper provides the theoretical basis for the study of psychological readiness for paternity and its development in ontogenesis, and the results of the empirical study to identify the possibility of the development of readiness for paternity among the preschool children. 252 test persons took part in our study: 168 parents of preschool children and 84 preschool boys, the average age of which was 5.3 years old. The families of the experimental group participated in the work on the creation of the environment favorable for the formation of readiness for paternity within the complex of measures affecting a child. The families of the control group did not participate in the work. The children of the control group were examined within the same time intervals as the experimental group. The statistical analysis of data obtained allows concluding about the positive dynamics among children of the experimental group while no dynamics was found among children of the control group. This fact proves the possibility to form the principles of psychological readiness for paternity within the psychological work on the creation of a favorable environment. The results of the study will be interesting for family psychologists and the researchers dealing with the theoretical and practical issues of parenthood psychology, gender issues and the issues of the psychology of family relations. 

About the authors

Yulia Vyacheslavovna Borisenko

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Psychology), assistant professor of Chair of Acmeology and Psychology of Development

Russian Federation


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