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The study of the problem of emotional stability of a future educational psychologist’s personality is relevant due to the number of reasons: the insufficiency of knowledge, the need for professionals with emotional stability and capacity for its development. The emotional stability as an integrative property of an individual is important for educational psychologists. The emotional stability of an individual still is not clearly defined and there is no general understanding of the structure, criteria, mechanisms, and conditions of development.

This paper presents the brief analysis of the psychological study of the emotional stability; its components, criteria, indicators and their correlation, as well as the results of empirical research aimed at the study of the manifestations of specific characteristics of emotional stability.

Any personal characteristic affecting the emotional sphere can be a continuum; from the lowest level to the highest, from negative to positive. The criteria and indicators highlighted in the paper are considered within the indicated continuum: motivational criterion (low motivation – high motivation); cognitive criterion (knowledge completeness – deficient knowledge and lack of system); emotional criterion (emotional passivity – emotional excitement); volitional criterion (feeling of helplessness, lack of skills of self-control – overconfidence, self-control); communication criteria (communicative passivity – communicative aggressiveness). In the result of the empirical study, the authors identified three differentiated groups of students – future educational psychologists according to the domination of the development of one, two, or three criteria. In the “dominance of one criterion” group, the dominance of communicative criterion (18.58 %) is most often observed; in the “dominance of two criteria” group, the predominance of volitional and emotional criteria (7.08 %) is most often represented; in the “dominance of three criteria” group, the combination of communicative, emotional and volitional criteria (1.77 %) is represented.

About the authors

Natalia Ivanovna Vjyunova

Voronezh State University, Voronezh

Author for correspondence.
Email: vjunova@mail.ru

Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), professor of Chair of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology of Philosophy and Psychology Faculty

Russian Federation

Viktoria Yurievna Plotnikova

Gymnasium № 5, Voronezh

Email: viktori19-89@yandex.ru

educational psychologist

Russian Federation

Svetlana Ivanovna Purtova

Voronezh Municipal Polyclinic № 10, Voronezh

Email: mnogotochechka@ya.ru

chief human resources officer

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2018 Vjyunova N.I., Plotnikova V.Y., Purtova S.I.

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