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The paper considers the main features of social and psychological adaptation of young orphans on the example of boarding schools on the territory of Togliatti urban district of Samara region.

The authors of the paper carried out the theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign psychological studies on the issue of adaptation. According to the modern researchers, the process of adaptation of boarding school inmates is complicated in view of the fact that special aspects of life in a boarding school differ greatly from the conditions of free living environment. These children have complicated skills of constructive communication with others; the contacts are characterized by the superficialism and haste that, in their turn, are the additional stressors. Moreover, such living conditions form the dependency personal attitude of inmates. One of the ways out of this situation is the so-called “social hotels” that are in great popularity.

The paper presents primary results of a psychodiagnostic study of personal adaptive potential including the ability to regulate one’s behavior (behavioral regulation), communicative potential and moral normativity of residential institutions inmates. Therefore, most of residential institutions inmates have the low level of adaptive abilities development, which is formed by special conditions of the social situation of development and is manifested in the low ability and willingness of orphans to adapt to social changes and change one’s behavior and attitudes. However, the orphans with the sufficient level of adaptability have higher rates of behavioral regulation and moral normativity, while the orphans with the low level of adaptability have difficulties in regulating their behavior when interacting with the environment (statistically significant differences are determined).

The purpose of the paper is to introduce for discussion the results of the study of special aspects of social and psychological adaptation of residential institutions inmates.

About the authors

Elena Anatolievna Denisova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.
Email: e_a_denisova@mail.ru

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Head of Chair “Theoretical and applied psychology”

Russian Federation

Irina Mikhailovna Tkachenko

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Email: e_a_denisova@mail.ru

graduate student of Chair “Theoretical and applied psychology”

Russian Federation


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