- Authors: Karina O.V.1
- Balashov Institute (Branch) of N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University, Balashov
- Issue: No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 49-53
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 184
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Currently, the conditions for the inclusion of people with disabilities to the social and educational environment are created in the society but there are some difficulties with their implementation. Despite the fact that the current social policy introduces actively the inclusive education to the social interaction, young people are not ready to join actively in the inclusive environment and to accept emotionally positively their peers with disabilities. The information support of inclusive education does not give the possibility to know the specificity of the problems of people with disabilities, and, accordingly, other people are ill-informed about the importance of involvement of people with disabilities in the participation interaction.
The study covers the problem of social attitudes of modern youth in respect of people with disabilities, the degree of readiness of young people to the participation interaction. The paper presents the author’s own questionnaire “The readiness of young people to the participation interaction with people with disabilities”. The author identifies the positive participation readiness of young people in respect of people with disabilities, describes the dominant mental states manifested by young people in the process of contacting with people with disabilities. The psychological barriers to participation readiness of young people in respect of people with disabilities are specified.
The author makes an assumption that, in order young people can translate their readiness to the participation interaction both on the cognitive and behavioral level, it is necessary, using the trainings, to simulate purposefully the situations of participation interaction with people with disabilities.
About the authors
Olga Vitalievna Karina
Balashov Institute (Branch) of N.G. Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University, Balashov
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Head of Chair of Pedagogics and Psychology
Russian FederationReferences
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