- Authors: Astashina N.I.1
- Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics, Knyaginino Vorotynets secondary school, Vorotynets
- Issue: No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 17-22
- Section: Pedagogical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 189
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The relevance of the study of the ways of the students’ creative activity development is determined by the contemporary society demand for the initiative, active, successful, and all-rounded persons who are able to find independently and proactively the solutions for various issues. The interactive learning methods become the effective tool for development of the students’ creative activity. Their main characteristics are the learning activity built on the interaction of a student with the educational environment, which serves as the area of the learning experience; learning based on the psychology of human relations and interactions; learning as a mutual cognitive process where knowledge is got in the joint activity through a dialogue.
The paper presents the results of the study of the influence of team ecological tournaments as an interactive learning method on the development of the students’ creative activity. The author determined the methodological backgrounds for the creative activity formation, specified the stages of its formation. The following stages of creative activity development in the process of participating in the team ecological tournaments were identified: preparatory, search-activity, heuristic, and reflexive.
The study was carried out during three years among the students of the municipal budgetary general education institution “Vorotynets secondary school”, the members of children’s ecological association, permanent participants of team ecological tournaments.
It is established that during the preparation and participation in team ecological tournaments, the creative activity of their participants is gradually developed. During the study, the increment in the creative activity of the study group was observed, and namely, the level of commitment to creativity, the criticality level, the ability to transform the object’s structure.
The main result of participation in a team ecological tournament is the involvement of the students in active creative activity, which contributes to the cognitive activity motivation, the formation of a complex of competencies, and, as a whole, promotes the diversified personal development of the students.
About the authors
Nina Igorevna Astashina
Nizhny Novgorod State University of Engineering and Economics, KnyagininoVorotynets secondary school, Vorotynets
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Pedagogy), assistant professor of Chair “Service”, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation
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