No 4 (2017)

Full Issue

Pedagogical Sciences


Aksarin I.V.


Nowadays in basketball, there are players with a different profile of functional asymmetry among beginners and professional basketball players. There are different opinions on the necessity to consider asymmetries: one group of scientists believes that this makes no sense since this does not reflect in the effectiveness, but most scientists who have done a lot of studies in symmetry and asymmetry in sports believe that one can achieve higher sports results through smoothing functional asymmetry.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the rationality and effectiveness of the techniques exercised by young basketball players with dominant and non-dominant hands in conditions of competitive activity. The author experimentally tested a model for basketball technique training of young basketball players with regard to functional asymmetry. At the end of the pedagogical experiment, the percentage of ineffective technical actions performed with the dominant hand decreased equally in the control group (CG) and experimental (EG) group. Indicators of ineffective technical actions performed with the non-dominant hand are different. In the CG there is a slight decrease in inefficiency: in bouncing the ball – by 4.8 %, in passing the ball – by 8 %, in throwing the ball – by 9 %. In the EG, there is a more noticeable decrease in the ineffectiveness of technical actions performed with the non-dominant hand: in bouncing the ball – by 12 %, in passing the ball – by 12 %, in throwing the ball from under the ring – by 17.35 %.

Significant improvement of the results of technical actions performed by young basketball players with dominant and non-dominant hand show the effectiveness of implementation of the model for basketball technique training with regard to the functional asymmetry that involves the specialized set of exercises aimed at smoothing the existing functional asymmetry.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):9-16
pages 9-16 views


Astashina N.I.


The relevance of the study of the ways of the students’ creative activity development is determined by the contemporary society demand for the initiative, active, successful, and all-rounded persons who are able to find independently and proactively the solutions for various issues. The interactive learning methods become the effective tool for development of the students’ creative activity. Their main characteristics are the learning activity built on the interaction of a student with the educational environment, which serves as the area of the learning experience; learning based on the psychology of human relations and interactions; learning as a mutual cognitive process where knowledge is got in the joint activity through a dialogue.    

The paper presents the results of the study of the influence of team ecological tournaments as an interactive learning method on the development of the students’ creative activity. The author determined the methodological backgrounds for the creative activity formation, specified the stages of its formation. The following stages of creative activity development in the process of participating in the team ecological tournaments were identified: preparatory, search-activity, heuristic, and reflexive.

The study was carried out during three years among the students of the municipal budgetary general education institution “Vorotynets secondary school”, the members of children’s ecological association, permanent participants of team ecological tournaments.

It is established that during the preparation and participation in team ecological tournaments, the creative activity of their participants is gradually developed. During the study, the increment in the creative activity of the study group was observed, and namely, the level of commitment to creativity, the criticality level, the ability to transform the object’s structure.

The main result of participation in a team ecological tournament is the involvement of the students in active creative activity, which contributes to the cognitive activity motivation, the formation of a complex of competencies, and, as a whole, promotes the diversified personal development of the students.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):17-22
pages 17-22 views


Eremina L.I., Bibikova N.V.


The work presents the experience of theoretical and empirical research of the formation of students’ creativity; the concept of “the formation of creativity” is characterized in a pedagogical context. Creativity in this research is considered as a common universal ability to creativity to some extent inherent in every person. In terms of pedagogical approach, the essence of the concept “creativity formation” is defined by meaningful and technological components of the educational process.

Within the framework of this research, pedagogical conditions for the formation of students’ creativity are consideration of the age characteristics and individual differences of the students, organization of safe creative space, development of imagination and teacher’s creativity. Age characteristics and individual differences of the students are defined by the innate characteristics, psycho-physiological characteristics, and personal characteristics. Of particular importance is the organization of pedagogical interaction of all the subjects of the educational process in the form of free creativity (creation of samples and support of students’ creative behavior, positive attitude to research creative activity, realization of creative initiative and emotional expression). Development of teacher’s creative activities is a required condition for successful development from the stage of imitation to creative revealing of the learner’s personality.

The study identifies substantial pedagogical and technological components of the formation of the personality creativity. This paper discusses the types of creative technology: active learning techniques, interactive, and game technology. The authors present the examples of methodological techniques for planning the lessons that are used at the first stage of empirical research. They describe such forms of students’ creativity development as exhibitions in a study group, a creativity-oriented lesson, training exercises, non-traditional lessons.

The results of empirical studies have been presented, during which the program of formation of students’ creativity containing a variety of creative techniques, forms, and methods of work contributing to the positive dynamics of all indicators of creativity formation (fluency, flexibility, originality) has been implemented. Positive dynamics of all indicators provides proof of the effectiveness of this experimental program, which was ensured by the complex of pedagogical conditions.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):23-28
pages 23-28 views


Kovaleva A.S.


The paper studies the application of the multiple intelligence theory as one of the ways of measuring the subject individualization in teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties. It is important to optimize the group learning process to achieve maximum efficiency in teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties against the growing demand to their level of communicative competence in a foreign language. In terms of a limited number of hours, the solution to this issue can be individualization of learning process and consideration of individual, personal and subjective qualities of students, in particular.

This research studies the components of individualization and areas of their application in teaching a foreign language. The author suggests activating subjective individualization in the process of learning a foreign language by applying the conceptual foundations of Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory in teaching.

The paper gives a brief summary of the theory, analyzes the main eight types of intelligence in learning a foreign language and the use of subjective personality traits in teaching. The differentiation is given to the concepts of “intelligence” and “intelligence in the theory of multiple intelligence”, and the notion of “a type of intelligence” is specified.

The paper presents the stages and phases of research aimed at proving the efficiency of introducing the theory of multiple intelligence into the learning process, they are trial pilot training, long-term experimental training (questioning, training, repeated questioning). The technique is described for determining the level of development of types of intelligence in the context of teaching a foreign language. According to the results of the study, the types of intelligence can be developed by increasing their level through specially selected exercises; consideration of the types of students’ intelligence in the classroom increases their effectiveness in a foreign language.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):29-35
pages 29-35 views


Muller O.Y.


The importance of the issue chosen for the study is explained by the urge to search for new conceptual solutions and strategies which promote harmonization of human relations in general and the professional adaptation of people with special educational needs. Educational institutions of higher education are currently solving the problem of choosing the most effective model and technology for implementing the inclusive paradigm.

The author analyzes inclusive education models employed both in Russian and foreign universities which implement inclusive education. The author states that inclusive education models in Russian universities are block-structured and aimed at increasing the sensitivity of the institution towards persons with health limitations through solving problems in teaching and upbringing. In foreign universities, inclusive educational models are varied and institutional in structure, mostly legally oriented, and working with a wider category of people with special educational needs than in Russia. In the opinion of the author, the search for a unified concept of inclusive vocational education, along with the increase in the demands of students with special educational needs, requires higher education institutions to develop their own strategies, to solve the problem of choosing the most effective model and technology for implementing the inclusive paradigm.

As a result of the study, it was found that a system of normative and legislative acts and mechanisms which include a clear concept and strategy for implementing inclusive education, training, and continuity of interaction should become the necessary basis for the implementation of inclusive education.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):36-40
pages 36-40 views


Remezova L.A., Sirik I.Y.


The paper covers the consideration of the main task of preschool education of children with disabilities – their social development. The authors consider the concepts of “socialization”, “individualization” in the context of psychological and educational support of positive socialization and individualization of a personality development of mentally retarded children of senior preschool age. The review of the domestic literature on the study of this problem is carried out. The paper notes that until now there is no clarity about the appropriate methodological grounds for analyzing the processes of socialization and individualization of education of preschool children of this category. Therefore, it is quite in order to draw attention to the existing contradiction between special educational needs of a mentally retarded preschool child for full life activity, on the one hand, and the lack of stable system for provision of socialization and individualization of a child’s personality development within the educational space and the insufficient theoretical development of such provision, on the other hand. Comparing the opinions of various authors, the authors proposed their own decision on the integrated use of socialization resources when individualizing the development of mentally retarded children. As the socialization resources, the authors specified psychological and educational competence of teachers and parents of mentally retarded children, determined significant indicators of socialization of mentally retarded preschool children, individual character of socialization process, teachers’ professional competencies in the issues of socialization of mentally retarded children, and pedagogical literacy of parents and other adults involved in the education of mentally retarded children. It is determined, that the correction pedagogic impact based on the developed and implemented program “The comprehensive use of socialization resources when individualizing the development of mentally retarded children” leads to the statistically significant (at the level of 95 % according to the Mann-Whitney U criterion) differences between the results obtained within the experimental and control groups.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):41-46
pages 41-46 views


Tamochkina O.A.


The society requires competent specialists able to act successfully in any conditions of their labor. However, facts of life show that young teachers are ineffective in ambiguity and conflict situations. Thus, there is the necessity of training competent creative teachers who have well-developed creative potential, can quickly find adequate solutions in new situations, and are capable of creative self-fulfillment.       

The paper gives characteristics of the student’s creative potential as the necessary inner structure, which can be and should be developed at high school. The author suggests the theoretically based model of development of the creative potential of the teaching-professions students of the agrarian university. This model allows augmenting the creative potential structural components: creative activity motives, creativity, and certain personal qualities together with the high intelligence level.         

The experiment was carried out on the base of Volgograd State Agrarian University and involved 145 students of “Teacher education” (44.03.01) study program.  Within this model, the author suggested theoretical and technological tools for development of creative potential and carried out the students’ assessment at the beginning and the end of the experiment. The suggested criteria, indices, and levels of creative potential development allowed monitoring the dynamics of stage-by-stage change of the students’ motivation; of updating the database of knowledge on the creative potential and creative self-fulfillment; of the development of activity, initiative, behavioral flection, ability to cope with stress, and creativity.

The analysis of received quantitative results verified using the Student’s t-criterion showed the transition of most of the students (67 %) of the experimental group to the higher level of development of creative potential. Control group showed the similar index of 42 %.

The involved observation of the students during the traineeship allowed differentiating the students taking part exactly in the creative teaching activity.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Psychological sciences


Garanina Z.G.


The problem of the study of the process of personal and professional self-development of modern specialists is now of special interest for the researchers due to the growing requirements to a professional able to improve independently and systematically his professional level. 

The paper analyzes the theoretical approaches to the problem of self-development, factors of personal and professional self-development of specialists in the socionomical sphere. The author determines the value-semantic, reflexive and regulative factors of self-development that are the basis for understanding the values of self-development and the need for self-change, and the regulation of own behavior and activity aimed at the improvement of personal and professional qualities. 

To define special aspects of personal-professional self-development, the empirical study among socionomical sphere specialists was carried out using the psycho-diagnostic and statistical methods. The results showed the existence of significant interrelations between the level of self-development and such qualities as reflection, self-regulation, self-actualization, meaningfulness of life, readiness for self-development, communicative competence. In the result of analysis of variance and factor analysis, the factors influencing the process of personal-professional self-development were determined.

Based on the results obtained, the author concludes that personal and professional self-development is determined by value-semantic factors associated with the general level of the meaningfulness of life and motivation for self-development and self-actualization and the reflexive and regulatory factors based on the desire to realize their personal and professional qualities and regulate their activities as well. Communicative competence is one of the professionally important qualities of socionomical sphere specialists affecting professional self-development and which is a tool for understanding oneself and improving their professional communicative activity.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):55-60
pages 55-60 views


Kalyagina E.A., Shalginova A.L.


Gender features are the features associated with the gender identity and the socio-cultural experience. In modern society, the misbalance in this relation is increasingly visible: the biological characteristics of men and women do not always coincide with the socio-cultural characteristics. The other extremity is the lack of flexibility in gender expression. In this regard, the question about the necessity of competent gender-based education of children arises.

To solve this task, parents, teachers and psychologists use various methods: reading fairy tales, conversations, music classes, physical training, and labor activity. This paper studies gender features of play activity of senior preschool children.

Based on the results of surveys and observations, the authors studied and analyzed play preferences of twenty boys and twenty girls and determined their levels of play development.

In the result of the study, various content, objective side and play styles of boys and girls were defined. It was determined that boys like noisy games and the large play spaces that cannot be always provided by parents and nursery teachers. Girls, on the contrary, win the adults’ favor for their calm games, neat play actions that, however, are often free of creative and inquisitive nature.

Thus, the knowledge of gender characteristics of children will help parents and teachers using gaming activities to define the abilities of each child and to correct at the proper time the deviations in their gender expression.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):61-67
pages 61-67 views


Murugova A.O.


The paper studies the problem of the interrelation between the leading patterns of coping with negative situations and personal traits of older adolescents. The author studies various approaches to definitions of the concepts “coping”, “coping behavior” and the correlation of these concepts. The ambiguity in the definition of these concepts in Russian and foreign literature is revealed and the results of an empirical study are presented. It is proved that there is a correlation between the indicators on the scales of the methods of coping with negative situations and indicators on the scales that determine personal traits of schoolchildren. It is revealed that students having a predominant way of coping with negative situations called “support seeking” tend to possess low aspiration for acceptance by other people, low motivation for affiliation, and the predominance of the “fear of rejection” motive in communication. It is determined that schoolchildren who are characterized by such a way of coping with negative situations as self-accusation have a high level of general externality, externality in their achievements and externality in family relations. They are characterized by low values on such scales as “Life Process”, “Life Result”, “Locus of Control – Myself”, “Locus of Control – Life”, and “Meaningfulness of Life”. Personality traits of older adolescents with predominantly adaptive patterns of coping with negative situations are determined. They are characterized by greater internality in family relations, greater confidence in their lives manageability, higher values of self-esteem and level of aspiration. The detected traits can be taken into account in designing a program of psychological and educational support for older adolescents.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):68-73
pages 68-73 views


Panteleeva V.V., Baranetskiy I.I.


The culture of interpersonal interaction based on humanity becomes the basic need of the modern society focused on a person capable of perception of emotional expression of other people, adequate response to the emotional state of the others. Stable social request for a person of a new type able to express sympathy, empathy towards other people orientates pedagogics and psychology to the improvement of the culture of empathy expression by the schoolchildren during the educational process. The paper covers the study of empathy of primary school-aged children and the role of means of spiritual and moral education in its development. The goal of the research is to study the psychological features of empathy of primary school-aged children and to carry out the work aimed at the improvement of the level of empathy development by means of spiritual and moral education. Within the frame of the theoretical part of the study, the notion of empathy is defined and the highest level of its development – the empathic culture of a person – is explained. In the experimental part of the study, the authors describe the features of empathy of primary school-aged children; suggest the author’s program aimed at the development of empathy at the primary school age, and analyze the results of the study of empathy of the primary school-aged children after the implementation of the psychological-educational program. In the result of the repeated diagnostics on the control experiment stage, the authors determined the significant change in the level of the empathy manifestation of primary school-aged children after the implementation of the suggested program and registered the increase of the level of empathic attitude of the primary school-aged children to their parents, peers and elderly people. 

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):74-79
pages 74-79 views


Serebrova E.N., Morozova I.S., Sviridova I.A.


Currently, the problem of aggressive behavior of upper-formers attracts the increasingly close attention of the scientists as the common social ill-being of the society and the economic crisis in the country often lead to the norm of aggression manifestation within the communication standards of young people. The aggressive behavior reflects the angst, annoyance, negation, and suspicion that necessitate the search for resources and inner abilities helping stability and resistance power of a person in the stressful situations. Viability, in its turn, is such a resource and inner ability.

The paper considers special aspects of manifestation of aggressive behavior of upper-formers with different levels of viability. The authors determined special aspects of manifestation of aggressive and adverse reactions of upper-formers with high, middle and low levels of viability and specified the interrelation of the parameters of aggressive behavior with different variables: self-efficacy, emotional tension, control, involvement, and risk taking. The research subjects are characterized, experimental study data are given, such diagnostic techniques as testing and questioning, and mathematical and statistical methods as descriptive statistics and correlation matrices are used.

The paper describes the peculiarities of specified interrelations of all viability parameters and detected types of aggression of tested group of upper-formers. It is shown that the upper-formers with the high level of viability demonstrate the low level of various manifestations of aggressive behavior: soreness, negation, annoyance, adverse and aggressive reactions. Teenagers with the high level of viability are characterized by the manifestation of the high level of self-efficacy and low level of psychoemotional tension. Low level of viability, in its turn, causes the feeling of rejection and complete helplessness, sensing yourself “out of” life that leads to the decreased functioning and activity in stress conditions.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):80-85
pages 80-85 views


Chernov A.Y., Bulanova I.S.


The paper phenomenologically analyzes religious norms of responsibility in people with different types of religiousness. Religious norms are considered as regulators of social, group and individual behavior based on counter-intuitive representations. The types of religious norms revealed in the course of the previous research allow studying the question of the structure and content of these types depending on the confessional identity and type of religiousness. This article is devoted to the phenomenological analysis of the religious norm of responsibility in people with different types of religiousness. The method of data collection met all criteria of validity of qualitative research. The main criterion for differentiation of respondents according to the type of religiousness was the parameters of churching. The method of data collection was group interviews. The main method of data analysis was phenomenological analysis, a heuristic approach.

As a result of the analysis, the structure of the religious norm of responsibility was revealed. It represents two main categories describing the representations of the religious norm of responsibility attribution: objective and subjective aspects. The objective aspect implies the representation of the social situation of responsibility, as well as representation of acceptance of the responsibility. The subjective aspect implies a locus of responsibility and its motivation. The subjective aspect of responsibility representation is dominant in believers with normative religiousness, while the objective aspect – in believers with diffusive religiousness. Normative religiosity shifts the locus of responsibility mainly “inward”, which occurs due to identification with the introjected counter-intuitive agent, the object of faith. Diffusive religiousness, on the contrary, implies an emphasis on the objective aspect of the responsibility representation. It allows one to reduce self-control, find an excuse for “irresponsibility”, choose between alternatives “for yourself or for the others”, “for events or for actions”.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2017;(4):86-90
pages 86-90 views

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