- Authors: Remezova L.A.1, Sirik I.Y.2
- Samara State University of Social Science and Education, Samara
- Child Development Center – kindergarten № 121, Samara
- Issue: No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 41-46
- Section: Pedagogical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 193
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The paper covers the consideration of the main task of preschool education of children with disabilities – their social development. The authors consider the concepts of “socialization”, “individualization” in the context of psychological and educational support of positive socialization and individualization of a personality development of mentally retarded children of senior preschool age. The review of the domestic literature on the study of this problem is carried out. The paper notes that until now there is no clarity about the appropriate methodological grounds for analyzing the processes of socialization and individualization of education of preschool children of this category. Therefore, it is quite in order to draw attention to the existing contradiction between special educational needs of a mentally retarded preschool child for full life activity, on the one hand, and the lack of stable system for provision of socialization and individualization of a child’s personality development within the educational space and the insufficient theoretical development of such provision, on the other hand. Comparing the opinions of various authors, the authors proposed their own decision on the integrated use of socialization resources when individualizing the development of mentally retarded children. As the socialization resources, the authors specified psychological and educational competence of teachers and parents of mentally retarded children, determined significant indicators of socialization of mentally retarded preschool children, individual character of socialization process, teachers’ professional competencies in the issues of socialization of mentally retarded children, and pedagogical literacy of parents and other adults involved in the education of mentally retarded children. It is determined, that the correction pedagogic impact based on the developed and implemented program “The comprehensive use of socialization resources when individualizing the development of mentally retarded children” leads to the statistically significant (at the level of 95 % according to the Mann-Whitney U criterion) differences between the results obtained within the experimental and control groups.
About the authors
Larisa Askhatovna Remezova
Samara State University of Social Science and Education, Samara
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Pedagogy), professor of Chair of Special Education and Special Psychology of Faculty of Psychology and Special Education
Russian FederationIrina Yurievna Sirik
Child Development Center – kindergarten № 121, Samara
special education teacher
Russian FederationReferences
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