- Authors: Serebrova E.N.1, Morozova I.S.2, Sviridova I.A.1
- Kuzbas regional center of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance “Personal health and development”, Kemerovo
- Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo
- Issue: No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 80-85
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukipedagogika.ru/jour/article/view/199
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2221-5662-2017-4-80-85
- ID: 199
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Currently, the problem of aggressive behavior of upper-formers attracts the increasingly close attention of the scientists as the common social ill-being of the society and the economic crisis in the country often lead to the norm of aggression manifestation within the communication standards of young people. The aggressive behavior reflects the angst, annoyance, negation, and suspicion that necessitate the search for resources and inner abilities helping stability and resistance power of a person in the stressful situations. Viability, in its turn, is such a resource and inner ability.
The paper considers special aspects of manifestation of aggressive behavior of upper-formers with different levels of viability. The authors determined special aspects of manifestation of aggressive and adverse reactions of upper-formers with high, middle and low levels of viability and specified the interrelation of the parameters of aggressive behavior with different variables: self-efficacy, emotional tension, control, involvement, and risk taking. The research subjects are characterized, experimental study data are given, such diagnostic techniques as testing and questioning, and mathematical and statistical methods as descriptive statistics and correlation matrices are used.
The paper describes the peculiarities of specified interrelations of all viability parameters and detected types of aggression of tested group of upper-formers. It is shown that the upper-formers with the high level of viability demonstrate the low level of various manifestations of aggressive behavior: soreness, negation, annoyance, adverse and aggressive reactions. Teenagers with the high level of viability are characterized by the manifestation of the high level of self-efficacy and low level of psychoemotional tension. Low level of viability, in its turn, causes the feeling of rejection and complete helplessness, sensing yourself “out of” life that leads to the decreased functioning and activity in stress conditions.
About the authors
Elena Nikolaevna Serebrova
Kuzbas regional center of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance “Personal health and development”, Kemerovo
Author for correspondence.
Email: serebrova@list.ru
educational psychologist
Russian FederationIrina Stanislavovna Morozova
Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo
Email: ishmorozova@yandex.ru
Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head of Chair of general psychology and psychology of development
Russian FederationIrina Albertovna Sviridova
Kuzbas regional center of psychological and pedagogical, medical and social assistance “Personal health and development”, Kemerovo
Email: serebrova@list.ru
Doctor of Sciences (Medicine), Professor, Director
Russian FederationReferences
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