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The paper covers the formation of behavior arbitrariness of 6-7-years children as the basis for the formation of regulatory universal actions in the process of preparing for learning at school. The author gives the definition of the concepts of “arbitrariness of behavior” and “regulatory universal actions”, attempts to disclose their interrelation while preparing children for school, and analyzes the theoretical studies according to which it is discovered that the insufficient level of development of the learner position of future first-year schoolchildren is caused, firstly, by the behavior self-regulation violation. The paper proves that the beginning of learning activity supposes the availability of high level of voluntary and will regulation with a child, which is manifested in the ability to get knowledge on your own, to control own actions and doings, to find the ways of solving difficult situations, to manage own behavior. The author considers the components of regulatory universal educational actions that are taken as the basis when organizing the experiment. The paper presents the indicators of behavior arbitrariness that are the prerequisites of the regulatory universal educational actions and proves experimentally the necessity to work with teachers and parents. The work with teachers is presented as the psychological awareness and training practical skills of formation of behavior arbitrariness when interacting with children. The paper gives special place to the work with parents, which includes individual consulting, parent’s meetings, training series, and educational situations. The emphasis is on the work with children. The developed games, creative task and psychotechnical exercises aimed at the integral psychical development of a child and the solving of certain psychological problems – the formation of behavior arbitrariness – are of special interest. This problematics is multifaceted.

About the authors

Elena Viktorovna Terentyeva

Kindergarten № 120 “Skazochny”, Togliatti;
Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

educational psychologist, postgraduate student

Russian Federation


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