- Authors: Grigorieva N.V.1, Vasilevitskaya O.V.1
- Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara
- Issue: No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 72-77
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 283
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The paper covers the topical issue of learning activity motivation in the context of university study. It is known, that the motivation of learning is necessary for the effective educational process implementation. The paper considers both the external and the internal types of academic motivation, analyzes cognitive and social motives of first-year students of the college of education studying at different faculties.
Academic motivation formation is delicate and complex process influenced by many various factors including the socio-economic conditions of a particular region such as traditional attitude to the higher education prestige, the demand for particular professions in the labor market. That is why the academic motivation of the university students of different regions can have its particular peculiarities.
Reasoning from this fact, the determination of motivational preferences of the students of different faculties of Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education and consequent comparative analysis of data obtained became the goal of the research. In the result of the first-year students’ survey and statistical data processing, the authors determined various factors awakening the motivation for learning activity of the students of faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, faculty of economics, management and service, and faculty of physical training and sports and analyzed the major difficulties the first-year students faced. The paper presents the comparative analysis of the results on different faculties and the levels of the students’ satisfaction with their learning activity.
The data obtained allow making the conclusion on the peculiarities of motivational preferences of the students of different specialties of college of education and can serve as the initial foundation for planning, organizational forms, methods and means of educational process determination from the point of view of formation of the students’ academic motivation and the education quality improvement.
About the authors
Natalya Vladimirovna Grigorieva
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Psychology), assistant professor of Chair of pedagogy and psychology
Russian FederationOlga Vladimirovna Vasilevitskaya
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education, Samara
PhD (Psychology), assistant professor of Chair of pedagogy and psychology
Russian FederationReferences
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