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Knowledge transfer of the personnel within the team is one of the conditions of effective activity of the executives of innovative projects. It is caused by the increased requirements of the government policy implemented in the country, which is aimed at the knowledge intellectualization. In this respect, the organizational management of the processes by means of which technologies, expertise, skills, and solutions of high-tech tasks are passed from one executive to another, supposes development of the organizational system mechanism resulting in the gradual transformation of the organization into a self-learning system.

Why is it so important at the present stage of socio-economic development of our country? That is because a self-learning organization is characterized by constant updating of its own knowledge and quick adaptation to the external environment for implementation of innovative ideas.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a mathematical basis for activities that the staff of an organization requires so that it could be classified as a "self-learning" organization.

Currently, there are four types of classification of a self-learning organization. The author suggests the fifth type which contains certain classification features that characterize the transfer of knowledge within the team of executives. These coefficients are integral indices, each of which, in its turn, consists of a set of particular items estimated with quantitative values of indicators.

In order to optimize the current state of knowledge of the team of executive, the paper suggests using the apparatus of Boolean algebra to build the transition from one quality of knowledge to another. The choice of mathematical apparatus is explained by its use in modern complex dynamic systems to assess the status of these systems in dynamics.

About the authors

Svetlana Dmitrievna Syrotiuk

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair “Management of Organization”, doctoral candidate

Russian Federation


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