- Authors: Sergeyeva M.V.1
- Kursk State Medical University, Kursk
- Issue: No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 99-104
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 324
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Among all the problems facing the Russian society, one of the most important issues is the struggle with drug dependence, which can cause real danger to the health of the population. Drug addiction may not only seriously damage physical and social wellbeing, but also significantly change psychological sphere of a person, and this in its term will reveal deformity of a personality, and changes in motivation-need sphere and system of attitudes. In spite of the fact that there are a lot of research has been conducted in this field, the scientists pay more attention to the medical approach in studying drug dependence. At the same time, psychological approach to research this problem has not been sufficiently studied, therefore, drug addicted people are not able to receive the necessary psychological and social support.
The author considers main approaches on the drug dependence problem, describes the concepts of “motivation-need sphere” and “self-attitude” of an individual. The work presents the main needs and motives of an addicted person, which may influence the process of self-attitude development where it joins the process of activity and personality self-regulation, and stimulates the development of cognitive and individual subjectivity of a person.
The author defines the main objectives of the research, which include the study of peculiarities of motivation-need sphere, self-attitude of an individual in a group of drug-addicted people and in a group of healthy people, and the research of interrelation between motivation-need sphere and self-attitude of an individual in drug dependence.
Based on the study of interconnection between motivation-need sphere and self-attitude of an individual, the results of the research have been presented, major characteristics are distinguished and described, the mechanism of changing motivation-need sphere and self-attitude of an individual has been studied. It is revealed that in drug dependence condition significance of the personality is not important for an individual, and social attitude is represented through disharmonious orientations. The paper also proves subject-object orientation of relations and interrelation between motivation-need sphere and self-attitude of an individual in drug dependence condition.
About the authors
Marina Vladimirovna Sergeyeva
Kursk State Medical University, Kursk
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student of Chair “Psychology of health and correctional psychology”
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