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Patriotic education of students of high school is an important component of modern education. To be a patriot - a natural human need, the implementation of which acts as a condition of their material and spiritual development, approval humanistic way of life, awareness of their historical cultural, national and spiritual belonging to the motherland and understanding of democratic prospects in the modern world. Activities such as a social institution High School - an important component of the process of formation of civic identity, which provides training with independence, responsibility, civil courage and social activity, preparing to defend not only their own, but also the public interest. The younger generation is responsible for the future of their country, for the preservation and continuity of culture, history, national and spiritual unity. From his position in the social and political life, social and political activity depend democratic and socio-economic future of the country. However, the decline of the educational potential of culture, art and education led to a significant change in the attitudes of the younger generation to the spiritual and moral values, priorities, ideals, historical past and its significance. Of particular concern is the loss of modern youth patriotic values. In the minds and actions of many young people show such negative phenomena as racism, extremism, radical nationalism, religious intolerance, lack of responsibility and a sense of duty to the country and society. In modern conditions the special character acquires educational work, aimed at the formation of patriotism, which will give a new impulse to the spiritual improvement of youth, will speak conductor ideology of peace, good neighborliness, tolerance and culture of international and intergenerational relations, preservation of national values.

About the authors

Galina Sergeevna Kvasnyh

North Kazakhstan State University named after M.Kozybayev, Petropavlovsk

Author for correspondence.
Email: kgalene@mail.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of the chair  theory and technique of primary and preschool education


Ainagul Nikolaevna Sarzhanova

North Kazakhstan State University named after M.Kozybayev, Petropavlovsk

Email: tmndo@mail.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of chair of the theory and technique of primary and preschool education



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