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The modern Russian high school always identifies new goals and objectives in the sphere of the competitive specialists training. In accordance to modern environment requirements, one of such tasks is the professional young specialists training owning the foreign communicational skills in their professional sphere. In the foreign practice of staff training a lot of attention is paid to the practical use of CLIL technologies in the educational process. As a result of the communication with the foreign colleagues who teach English the non-language students the most important aspect of this technology has become obvious to the European school teachers. The use of CLIL technology let expand the students’ horizons to the level of quick adaptation to the connections between subjects in their own specialization. Both, the quickness of the immersion in the profession and the rising of the motivational part of the secondary subject learning are good factors.

Unfortunately this methodology is not widely used in Russian system of education. In European system of education both CLIL method and CLIL teachers are popular.                       

In this article the author opinion of the CLIL methodologies introduction and replication into the common reality of the high school has been shown. The conceptual apparatus of CLIL tools features has been declared. The role of the CLIL teacher in the staff training process has been explained. The results of the conducted SWOT analysis showing the opportunities of CLIL introduction and using for the certain high school have been given. The role of the personal potential of CLIL teacher in modern conditions has been clarified. Conclusions are based on the materials collected by the authors during their foreign traineeships in Europe.

About the authors

Svetlana Anatoliyevna Gudkova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

Ph.D., associate professor of Department "Theory and Practice of Translation"

Russian Federation

Diana Yuryevna Burenkova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti


Ph.D., associate professor of Department "Theory and Practice of Translation"

Russian Federation


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