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Recently, one of the most important trends in the field of education is the study and evaluation of the educational environment. This area allows us to solve a number of practical problems facing employees of educational institutions: to determine the level of development of students and their level of educational achievements, identify the dominant causes of their failure and irregularities in the personal sphere; differentiate the learning process and to implement it the idea of an individual approach. Given that today's educational paradigm requires the formation of a new model of teacher - the teacher-researcher, teacher and innovator, educator with the high professional mobility, ready to develop their own personality, it is necessary to examine the degree of formation necessary for the expert evaluation of the educational environment competences of undergraduates, understanding According to the concept of integrative property of the person, which includes the general cultural and general professional competence, experience and a set of professionally important qualities to ensure readiness for the implementation of the peer review of the educational environment and the development of its structural components.

About the authors

Zamirat Kanikoevna Kargieva

North-Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz

Author for correspondence.

doctor of education, professor interdepartmental department of pedagogy and psychology

Russian Federation

Natalia Martynovna Mkrtycheva

North-Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov, Vladikavkaz


candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, department of physics and astronomy

Russian Federation


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