- Authors: Suvorova K.R.1
- North Kazakhstan M. Kozybayev State University, Petropavlovsk
- Issue: No 3 (2015)
- Pages: 210-214
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL: https://vektornaukipedagogika.ru/jour/article/view/545
- ID: 545
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Family and family relations are the important spheres of human practice where the interests of the society and a personality intercross intricately. It provides close attention to a family issue and its relevance for the experts of different level.
Globalization of world space leads to serious changes of both social and psychological content of a modern family, and position of a person in it. The appeared tendencies in family relations, such as gender equality of matrimonial relations, equality relations, and leadership in a family are associated, firstly, with the complication of inner world of an individual, the increase in his/her need for an autonomy and self-actualization; and, secondly, with the change of system of values in the sphere of gender role behavior related to the position of a modern woman.
Psychological portrait of a modern woman is multifarious. It is possible to note the similarity and the distinctions of old and new ideas of the role and status of a woman in a family and outside of it. The changes of traditional family representations concerning a woman into egalitarian ones (though they are not linear and ambiguous in different cultures) reflect, on the one hand, the changes towards an active public position and a view of life of a woman, and, on the other hand, the changes of family consciousness, and first of all of women themselves.
Family consciousness as the individual and psychological reality represents a part of personality self-consciousness aimed at the understanding of various family life sides and oneself as a subject of various family relations. Being a property of woman’s personality, family consciousness is presented by the unity of cognitive, emotional and behavioral components mediated by the functional and role system of matrimonial, parenting and kinship relationships.
About the authors
Karina Rafailyevna Suvorova
North Kazakhstan M. Kozybayev State University, Petropavlovsk
Author for correspondence.
Email: karaf84@mail.ru
teacher of chair “Psychology”, postgraduate student of Ural State Pedagogical University