Temporal foundations of the life position of female students

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The research focuses on correlation between the parameters of life position and temporal characteristics of personality of female university students. The study is based on the following psychodiagnostic methodologies: “Questionnaire of the life position of a person (LPP)” (D.A. Leontiev, A.E. Shilmanskaya), “Temporal modalities of life fulfillment” (E.V. Bredun, E.A. Shcheglova, E.V. Smeshko, T.A. Shmer). The research evaluated the level of development of harmony, awareness (reflectivity) and activeness of the life position as well as temporal components of life (emotional fixation on events, rationalization of life fulfilment periods, and balance of modal assessments). The reliability of the correlation between the obtained results was estimated according to the Pearson – C and Chuprov – P mutual conjugacy coefficient (p≤0.05). The tested group have shown mostly high and average indicators of awareness and activity combined with a low level of harmony. The results of the study of subjective attitude to time demonstrated the ability of the tested students to integrate the past, the present and the future into a continuous succession, and structure the present focusing on the future and using the experience of the past. Statistics proved the authentic correlation between the parameters of harmony and awareness of young female students and their emotional fixation on events, as well as correlation between harmony and balance of modal assessments. The synthesis of low harmony and high awareness defines engagement into the present, intense activity aimed at its organization and structuring, taking into consideration their visualization of the future. In the case of a constructive variant of personality strategies, it is a resource for the living space transformation; in the case of destructive strategies, it is a psychological indicator of a risk and barriers to authentic self–realization and life transformation.

About the authors

Ekaterina Sergeevna Fominykh

Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Author for correspondence.
Email: fominyh.yekaterina@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3733-4381

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Special Psychology

Russian Federation


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