Value orientations nominating the future teacher as an object of prognostic description

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The role of values in individual and social consciousness has been discussed for a long time. The issue of interpretation of value orientations that determine the process of choosing life strategies and regulating the social behavior of a person and society is equally significant and studied. The purpose of the work is to identify basic values and analyze the parameters of value orientations both of an individual and of a social group of student youth. The reflexive methodology for identifying values was chosen as a research method. The empirical technology of double open questions made it possible, based on freely recorded values and individual conceptual ideas, to identify the key value orientations of students, which can be taken as a basis when developing effective technology solutions for optimizing the learning of university students. The study involved 90 students of pedagogical training program at the Volgograd State Agrarian University aged from 18 to 26 years, of which, there were 52 girls and 38 boys. Quantitative and qualitative assessments allowed considering the features of life values according to their degree of popularity, significance and satisfaction with them of future teachers as part of student youth and one of the forms of national identity manifestation. The results of the study showed that family, health, and material well-being are highly popular in the structure of life values of future teachers. Patriotism, efficiency in business and family are considered significant values in life. The greatest satisfaction with the state was revealed for such values as sharing experience with young people, family and education. Such orientations as dignity, honor, faith, goodness, joy, happiness, responsibility, and environment improvement are weakly represented.

About the authors

Anna Valeryevna Chernyaeva

Volgograd State Agrarian University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9830-1044

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Head of Chair of Pedagogy and Methods of Vocational Training

Russian Federation, 400002, Russia, Volgograd, Universitetsky Prospekt, 26

Yulia Vladimirovna Shagina

Volgograd State Agrarian University


PhD (Pedagogy), assistant professor of Chair of Pedagogy and Methods of Vocational Training

Russian Federation, 400002, Russia, Volgograd, Universitetsky Prospekt, 26


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