- Authors: Dolgova V.I.1
- South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk
- Issue: No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 90-96
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 231
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The system of interpersonal relations has a significant influence on the formation of the personality. It is confirmed by the author’s analysis of the foundations of psychological and pedagogical correction of interpersonal interaction reflected in Russian and foreign scientific works. The objective of the paper is to present the original Programme of psychological and pedagogical correction of the interpersonal interaction of younger adolescents, to identify and discuss the changes caused by its implementation. For each lesson, the goals are defined and exercises are developed. In the period between the lessons, the development of the qualities continued through the active participation of teachers and parents. Diagnostics of interpersonal interaction between young adolescents was carried out before and after implementation of the Programme. While studying interpersonal relations and social attitudes based on T. Leary’s method of diagnostics of interpersonal relations, positive changes in the “friendliness” factor were identified. The results of the application of G. Moreno’s socio-metric techniques (parametric, with the selection number limited to five people) showed that implementation of the Programme facilitated a change in the status of the students. According to the questionnaire of interpersonal relations by V. Shutts, positive changes in the need to create and maintain satisfactory relations with classmates were revealed; the need for inclusion (need for interaction and cooperation) and the need for control (need for maintaining satisfactory relations with reliance on control and strength) begin to appear, as well as interpersonal needs for affect (with reliance on emotional relationships).
Changes in friendliness showings, acceptance by the group, inclusion needs, monitoring needs, affect needs before and after implementation of the Programme are confirmed through the use of the multifunctional criterion φ* (angular Fisher transform).
In general, after carrying out the Programme of psychological and pedagogical correction of interpersonal interaction between young adolescents, the levels of necessary socio-psychological knowledge, the skills of adequate perception, overcoming the difficulties of interpersonal interaction and communicative skills have increased.
About the authors
Valentina Ivanovna Dolgova
South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), PhD (Pedagogy), Dean of Faculty of Psychology
Russian FederationReferences
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