- Authors: Chevrenidi A.A.1
- National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
- Issue: No 4 (2016)
- Pages: 48-52
- Section: Psychological sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 259
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The paper studies the issue of efficient use of time and such the irrational phenomenon as academic procrastination, which acquires special importance caused by the growing scientific interest in the time management technology and the increasing number of scientific publications on the subject. The relevance of the study of procrastination is related to the requirements of professional and personal timeliness claimed for our contemporaries. The paper defines the concepts of “procrastination”, “conscious regulation of the activity”, and “time competence” from the perspective of different authors. It contains the review of Russian and translated foreign literature devoted to the study of this issue and describes a number of important researches in this area. The paper defines the main types of procrastination inherent to people in different areas of life. In terms of psychology, procrastination is the conscious postponing by the person of performing the scheduled tasks, despite the negative consequences. Academic procrastination involves a delay in performance of academic tasks and is connected with the fact that pupils and students do not possess the necessary academic skills and experience in self-organization. The consequence of such behavior and forgetfulness can be a decline in academic performance and learning outcomes. In this respect, the authors have analyzed the phenomenon of academic procrastination in close connection with the peculiarities of students’ organization of their lifetime. Sixty students participated in the study. According to the survey the authors have found positive correlation between students’ procrastination and a certain type of time perspective, an indicator of the time competence of an individual and personal time disorganizers.
About the authors
Anastasia Andreevna Chevrenidi
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student
Russian FederationReferences
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