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The relevancy of the issue under the study is caused by the necessity to take into account the achievements of related sciences – morphology, psychology, and didactics – in order to determine theoretical knowledge about parts of speech, to specify skills that will be formed while doing certain exercises. The authors considered various classifications of exercises and characterized linguistic, creative and integrated exercises as the most effective for the acquirement of knowledge on the morphological system and development of creative thinking of the students. The authors specified the importance of the system-based vision of the studied parts of speech functioning within the language and the speech and their communicative significance and showed the feasibility of entertaining elements application in the process of work that creates the basis for the development of logical thinking of the students. The paper presents the indexes of formedness of linguistic competence of the students: the conscious perception of theory on the system of morphological phenomena of native language, the skill to analyze and generalize it in a systemic manner, to use it in the creation of own speech acts. Special emphasis is laid on the cognitive material inserting to the text context, servicing to its moral education of the students and its accordance with standard language norms. According to the results of the study, the authors made the conclusion that the increase of the exercises’ volume and complexity should be carried out stage by stage according to the tasks and objectives of skills formation and development. The authors proved the necessity of giving language material in the form of meaningful texts that are considered in the paper as the teaching unity combining the cognition of literary language system and the conversation rules.

About the authors

Chulpan Mukharramovna Kharisova

Kazan Federal University, Kazan

Author for correspondence.
Email: c.harisova@yandex.ru

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, professor of Chair of Tatar linguistics

Russian Federation

Gulnara Rasihovna Shakirova

Kazan Federal University, Kazan

Email: shakirova25@mail.ru

PhD (Pedagogy), senior lecturer of Chair of Tatar linguistics

Russian Federation

Firaz Fakhrazovich Kharisov

Kazan Federal University, Kazan

Email: harisov.52@mail.ru

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor, professor of Chair of Tatar linguistics

Russian Federation


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