- Authors: Dolgova O.A.1, Timoshina E.A.2
- I.N. Ulyanov Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk
- Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk
- Issue: No 2 (2017)
- Pages: 36-40
- Section: Pedagogical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 325
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The phenomenon of the explosive economic and political development of China over the past few decades attracts the attention of many researchers to this country. The research interest for the education system of China and the specific features of teachers’ training for various levels of education increases year by year. Based on the performed analysis of works of domestic and foreign researchers, the paper demonstrates the results of the theoretical study of the structure and content of contemporary secondary and higher teachers training education in the PRC.
The paper underlines that on the one hand, the existing system of the higher teachers training education of China is similar to a large extent to the Soviet system of teachers training education, but on the other hand, it suffers changes forced by the global educational standards (Bologna Declaration).
The paper gives the actual information about the number of pedagogical educational institutions in the PRC, the students and the graduates who continued their education and applied for master’s degree and doctoral program, and the data about the types of pedagogical educational institutions and multi-stage system of teachers’ ranking. The authors give the detailed description of curricula and academic program of leading pedagogical colleges and universities; describe the specificity of the educational approach of six top universities which are under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Education of the PRC.
The paper describes the principal directions of the educational policy of the PRC specifying the corresponding laws and acts adopted by the Greater China Government. Much attention is paid to the problem of education of ethnic minorities and the issues of training teaching staff for work with them. The authors indicate the difficulties while implementing the innovations in the system of teachers training education and specify the main tendencies of its development.
About the authors
Olga Anatolievna Dolgova
I.N. Ulyanov Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Philosophy), assistant professor of Chair of psychology
Russian FederationElena Aleksandrovna Timoshina
Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk
postgraduate student of Chair of national history, regional studies and international relations
Russian FederationReferences
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