The role of adaptive physical culture in the organization of physical education of university students

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The situation, which developed in our country in recent decades and associated with the deterioration of public health on the one hand, and with the widespread introduction of inclusive learning in education, on the other hand, led to the presence of a large number of students with disabilities in Russian universities. Nevertheless, this does not exclude the need to cover such students with full-fledged and high-quality physical education, which ensures the maintenance and preservation of their physical health and harmonious development of their physical qualities in maintaining mental and physical performance. The research aims to study the impact of adaptive physical training classes on the development of motivation for physical culture classes and the level of physical fitness of students with health disorders. The paper considers the possibilities and the need to introduce adaptive physical culture classes for students with health disorders into the university educational process. The author analyzes the experience of Russian universities in this field. The study covers the main problems and the prospects of using adaptive physical training when organizing physical education for university students with health limitations. The paper presents the results of a pedagogical experiment using a survey of such students and testing their physical qualities. The study identified that students with health limitations engaged in adaptive physical culture at the university demonstrated an increased motivation for physical education and sports and positive dynamics in the development of their physical fitness.

About the authors

Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Koshkina

Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola

Author for correspondence.

senior lecturer

Russian Federation


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