Diagnostic tools for assessing the levels of mathematical erudition of students in general educational institutions

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The acceleration of civilization development imposes new requirements on mathematical education. Its special role is caused by the fact that mathematics is used worldwide in all spheres of life. Secondary general mathematical education in the current environment is becoming increasingly more significant for the educational policy of the society and the state. Measurable educational results, in this case, are the indicators of the personal achievements of students when studying mathematics. The research aims to give the reasons why among the existing terminological variety, the definition of mathematical erudition is selected as the assessment of personal achievements of students of general educational institutions in the subject area of Mathematics, to describe the developed and approved diagnostic tools for assessing mathematical erudition of the students of general educational institutions. The research is based on the qualitative approach to studying scientific-pedagogical literature and the analysis of pedagogical practice, which allowed working out the author’s position in identifying the individual educational achievements of students when learning mathematics. The author proposes using the concept of mathematical erudition as a result of learning mathematics treated as a personal achievement. The paper presents the author’s interpretation of this concept. The author considers a three-level model of mathematical erudition, which includes elementary mathematical literacy, functional mathematical literacy, and mathematical competence. The author developed a structural-functional model of mathematical erudition, consisting of four components: 1) motivational-axiological; 2) conceptual-regulative; 3) procedural; 4) subject-and-activity-based. The diagnostic toolkit for assessing the mathematical erudition of students of general education institutions has been developed and tested. It is possible to use these tools to assess subject learning results. The author notes that it is possible to improve mathematical erudition at all steps of school mathematical education in the general education institutions through designing mathematical education, which will allow creating the conditions for the students’ temptations and needs fulfilment. 

About the authors

Liana Sergeevna Sagatelova

Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd

Author for correspondence.
Email: kpm329@mail.ru

PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Applied Mathematics

Russian Federation


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