The relation of metacognitive involvement with personal intellectual assets and the development of universal competences of students

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The paper discusses why having preserved and sometimes high-level intelligence, a person is not always successful in educational activities. According to the studies, planning and monitoring skills and the skill to control the process of own activity (metacognitive involvement) can determine success in learning. This work aims to study the relations between metacognitive involvement and the personal intellectual resources of students. The authors based the research methodology on structural equation modeling (SEM). The study involved 140 respondents – senior class students of schools and universities. The study showed the existence of positive relations between metacognitive involvement, universal competencies, and personal intellectual resources. The authors identified that women had higher cooperation indicators than men; the students of humanitarian training programs had higher communication indicators; academic performance indicators were low-positively associated with metacognitive involvement. The authors conclude that metacognitive processes and qualities are associated with the general abilities of a person, the structure of which involves metacognitive components. As a result of factor analysis, the authors developed a two-factor model: Metacommunication (F1 factor), which indicates individual intellectual resources and universal competencies, manifested in activity and communication, and Cognitive abilities (F2 factor), manifested in thinking. The study identified the relations between the academic success indicators, factors of metacognitive involvement, and metacommunications of students.

About the authors

Margarita Leonidovna Melnikova

Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg


PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of General Psychology and Conflict Studies

Russian Federation

Olga Anatolyevna Chikova

Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, chief researcher

Russian Federation

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Maksimova

Ural State Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg


PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Psychology

Russian Federation


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