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The article analyses an educational holding and a net organization being the two innovative trends in the development of regional educational systems. These trends are shown to have a lot in common, particularly in the benefits provided to the educational system of a region. On the other hand a number of peculiarities are revealed. It gives grounds to analyze these innovative trends being complementary, not identical and to further investigate net interaction in a regional educational holding. The difference between the two main models of net interaction – resource centre and parity cooperation is shown; their ability to provide convergence in competence of the subjects of professional education and complementarities of resources among the members of the holding is revealed. Establishing net interaction is shown to be an essential condition in the formation of a holding. In its turn, an effective net interaction requires providing such conditions as having normative grounds and contractual relations of the holding members, drive for innovations, integration in professional societies, relevance of the educational projects carried out. The conclusion is drawn that net interaction in a regional educational holding improves both its educational and its administrative potential. Educational facilities are connected with the information field enlarging, with the individual educational requirements meeting, with the lifelong learning planning. Administrative facilities are provided by cutting resources, saving on research, increase in competitiveness o education establishments, attracting leading specialists.

About the authors

Elena Alexandrovna Maksimova

Saratov Socio-Economics Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Saratov

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of foreign languages chair

Russian Federation


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