The research method of studying physics as a way of forming general professional competencies among university students

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At present, with the continuous growth of scientific and technological progress, the study of physics plays an important role. University students are required to master competencies aimed at developing skills for applying physics knowledge in solving research problems. However, university students often have difficulties in studying physics. The purpose of the study is to propose a research method for studying physics based on a system-activity approach for the formation of general professional competence which in its turn aimed at the formation of ways of activity while solving research problems by university students. The author proposes a research method of studying physics including tasks for mastering fundamental knowledge of the nature, the acquisition of practical skills, and the formation of a skill to use knowledge in the research activity. The paper presents a model of the phased implementation of the research method of training based on a system-activity approach indicating the types of tasks and the content of competence indicators. The author considers the method of application of the proposed methodology with the description of the order of executing a research task in the physics section “Waves”, conducts a pedagogical experiment using testing of knowledge of physics among the technology university students. The author carried out the statistical analysis of experimental data using the Student’s t-test. The study shows that students who studied physics based on the research method of teaching physics have successfully mastered the system of knowledge, practical skills, and acquired skills that contribute to the formation of a general professional competence. This shows the effectiveness of the author’s methodology based on the research method of teaching physics to university students.

About the authors

Natalya Valeryevna Zubova

Moscow State University of Technologies and Management, Moscow

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8112-1378

PhD (Education), assistant professor of Chair of Physics

Russian Federation


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