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The authors consider the relevance of development of verbal competences of technical high school graduates in the process of their vocational training. The necessity of development of vocational oral communication in the process of training future engineers is caused by the fact that technical education has some key differences from humanitarian one. It occurs due to the prevalence of disciplines based on the exact sciences and more clearly structured organization of training. Verbal competences are mainly developed within the general disciplines of the humanities and natural sciences, which are studied at the beginning of training. While teaching vocational disciplines to the upper years’ students, the priority goal is to develop vocational competences. It leads to inadequate development of knowledge and skills in the field of oral communication. It creates the necessity to develop verbal competences of the technical high school students during the process of learning general and specialty disciplines, which should harmonize with the main goals, take into account the prospects of development of higher technical education at the stage of development of a new educational conception. It is shown that the future engineer training requires the development of verbal competences of the students in technical high school: the ability to reflect, to understand, to analyze, to control, and to generalize the information; to get new knowledge and to manage own verbal and cogitative process. The task of development of verbal competences of future engineers causes the necessity to develop the theory and methodology of the system of the students’ oral culture development in the process of learning general and specialty disciplines. It requires the design and development of new educational technologies involving additional forms and methods for laboratory work, business games, seminars, writing of self-dependent tasks in the form of essay, explanatory notes and so on.      

About the authors

Elena Nikolayevna Ryabinova

Samara State Technical University, Samara

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), professor of Chair “Higher mathematics and applied informatics”

Russian Federation

Larisa Aleksandrovna Marchenkova

Samara State Technical University, Samara


senior lecturer of Chair “Geology and geophysics”

Russian Federation


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