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The motivation of undergraduates of Economics to innovation is most effective within the framework designed in innovation-oriented learning and research environment of an educational institution conducive for the solution of professional and innovative tasks in the training of future masters of the economy.

By innovation, we consider not only the design and invention, but also a significant complex process that is driven by people, hence, the problem of staffing innovative activity takes quite relevant. It is not to make sufficient progress in the formation of any business entity without competent, qualified personnel. The emphasis in training is on the specifics of working with innovation, commercialization of new ideas, and the protection of intellectual property.

Nowadays, modern production requires not just an economist, but the highly skilled professional owning technology innovation and relevant professional competencies.

The initial formation of readiness for any activity is necessary for the successful implementation of this activity. The pursuit of professional activities can be regarded as professionally and personally important qualities of a master, as knowledge and skills in a particular area. The process of readiness for professional activity is a sequential process, resulting in the acquisition of  some ideas about their future careers, knowledge, skills and abilities needed to successfully complete the professional requirements.

The main subject of innovation of Magistracy is a lecturer himself who has a direct impact on teaching and learning processes. An essential condition for improving the training of masters in Economics is involved in innovation and, thereby, enhancing the innovative culture of the faculty, which may be in the process of self-educational and research  activities.

About the authors

Anatoly Nikolaevich Yarygin

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor

Russian Federation

Nelia Anatolyevna Yarygina

Togliatti State University, Togliatti


candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor of the chair «Accounting, analysis and audit»

Russian Federation


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